What Our Weaponized FBI - and the Joint Terrorism Task Force under them - Can And Does Do https://privacysos.org/degraded_standards/
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My Story A Government Gang Stalking Target Since 2006 https://stopgangstalkingpolice.com/mystory.html

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See Snapshots and Video of Government Gang Stalking Patterns at http://www.StopGangStalkingPolice.com if you want to see what Government Gang Stalking looked like before House Republicans started their Investigations.
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Police Bought House To Harass
I'm concerned that the Twin House attached to mine appears empty, as daily interruptions in my TV service has increased.

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Does Your Local Police Force Participate in Joint Terrorism Task Force Abuses of Power? https://www.brennancenter.org/events/bad-partners-why-local-law-enforcement-should-leave-fbi-joint-terrorism-task-forces
We Can't Trust The Politicized FBI/JTTF With This Authority

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Time To Disband the Constitution-Trashing, Gang Stalking (along with Neighborhood Watch Groups/Citizen Corps - the REDS) JTTF
Joint Terrorism Task Force: Political Dissent is Terrorism
FBI cites all that Domestic Terrorism – Ask Them Who The Joint Terrorism Task Force is Labeling Terrorists
This is the Best Description of My Experience of What The Joint Terrorism Task Force Under the FBI does I have ever read. It explains why so many communities have taken their local Police out of the JTTF. Their Target has an interesting way of making sure you'd find the article: http://www.JointTerrorismTaskForce.org.
U.S. Government Gang Stalking Patterns For December, 2023
Dec. 27, 2023 – Went to the DMV to renew my license today. I was Gang Stalked with RED cars/trucks, people wearing RED from the time I drove to the DMV until going home at the end of the day. I think the FBI and local Police in the Joint Terrorism Task Force wanted to send me the message they can get into the DMV computer system and prevent me from renewing my license. However, at the DMV – I took a Paper And Pencil Written Test (no computer) - and passed. The major issue in the 2024 election should be the Weaponization of Government. Our FBI and the local Police in the Joint Terrorism Task Force are totally Corrupt. And then, of course, there is our American Stasi – I call them the REDS – Neighborhood Watch Groups/Citizen Corps that Bush/Cheney started to MOB and harass citizens. You can help end this by supporting RFK Jr., a person of deep integrity, for President and telling someone about U.S. Government Gang Stalking.
Dec. 27, 2023 Did take a picture of this Gang Stalking Cop in front of me as I turned into my development in coming home.
December 31, 2023 – 5 pictures
Dec. 31, 2023 – 1 of 5 pictures – Same Time Exit/Entry Gang Stalking – As I pull up to the gas pump at the 76 gas station, our Gang Stalking Police pass by.
Dec. 31, 2023 – 2 of 5 pictures – Next the Gang Stalking Police pass by the exit of the gas station behind me.
Dec. 31, 2023 – 3 of 5 pictures – When I come out of the gas station food mart where I paid for my gas and bought my lotto tickets, a RED car is there at the corner in front of me.
Dec. 31, 2023 - 4 of 5 pictures - As I get into my car to go a RED car comes in front of me.
Dec. 31, 2023 - 5 of 5 pictures - As I go to exit the gas station, a RED car passes in front of me.
Dec. 13, 2023 - 4 pictures
Dec. 13, 2023 - 1 of 4 pictures - As we're getting out of our car to go into Staples, a RED car passes by.
Dec. 13, 2023 - 2 of 4 pictures - As we're getting into our car after coming out of Staples, a RED car passes by.
Dec. 13, 2023 - 3 of 4 pictures - Next a lady in RED comes out of the store and walks by our car.
Deco. 13, 2023 - 4 of 4 - I return home and get out of my car to take the garbage cans in, when a man with a RED stripe on his pants comes out.
Dec. 10, 2023 - Around 12 AM
Dec. 10, 2023 - 1 of 3 pictures - As I pull into my parking space to go into Winco, a person with a RED shirt walks in front of it. As I write this description, our Corrupt JTTF - creates a pause after each letter interfering with my first amendment rights.
Dec. 10, 2023 - 2 of 3 pictures - As we get out of our car to go into Winco, a person in RED gets out of the car that came beside us. As I write this description, our Corrupt JTTF - creates a pause after each letter interfering with my first amendment rights.
Dec. 10, 2023 - 3 of 3 pictures - As we return to our car after coming out of Winco, a RED car pulls behind us and just stands there with lights on. As I write this description, our Corrupt JTTF - creates a pause after each letter interfering with my first amendment rights.
Dec. 1, 2023 - 4 pictures
12/1/2023 - 1 of 4 pictures - When I go to get gas - a person with a RED hat is in front of me.
Dec. 1, 2023 - 2 of 4 pictures - When I pull into a parking space at Walmart, a truck pulls into the space beside me and a lady with a RED coat gets out.
Dec. 1, 2023 - 3 of 4 pictures - As we're walking into Walmart, a man with a RED jacket is walking out.
Dec. 1, 2023 - 4 of 4 pictures - As we're leaving Walmart, a woman wearing RED goes in front of us.
We didn't go out on Dec. 2, 2023
Dec. 3, 2023 - 4 pictures
Dec. 3, 2023 - 1 of 4 pictures - Here I am at the Big Gang Stalking corner of Vista Way/College Blvd. after just leaving my house.
Dec. 3, 2023 - 2 of 4 pictures - Here I am parking to go into the gas station where I frequently get my lotto tickets.
Dec. 3, 2023 - 3 of 4 pictures - As I get out of my car to go into Walmart, a RED car pulls out beside me.
Dec. 3, 2023 - 4 of 4 pictures - Then a second RED car passes behind my car.
Our Gaslighting/Psych-Ops loving FBI/JTTF
Globalist Elites, and our Intel Agencies who serve them, try to stop anyone when they criticize their Money Fat Cow, Big Pharma. So they put a distracting video overlaying the link I posted below and then take the video away when I write this over it.
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Why I support RFK Jr. for President - In a world of Corrupt Totalitarian Globalism, RFK Jr. has been a consistent truthteller. We need him for President. https://www.europereloaded.com/swiss-banker-pascal-najadi-files-his-case-in-the-us-against-fda-pfizer-and-the-swiss-president/
RFK Jr. Would End Government Gang Stalking RFK Jr. - "Yes," Kennedy replied. "I would stop [that]. In fact, I'm going to issue an executive order the moment I get into the White House: the first day, forbidding that; ending the weaponization of our agencies for political purposes."
Dec. 7, 2023 How Our Bully/Coward JTTF/FBI Operate 1. Take down my youtube channel - years of video of Police/JTTF and Neighborhood Watch Group/Cititzen Corps Gang Stalking. 2. Try to discredit me. 3. Do they have anything to do with what seems the now empty twin-house attached to mine? Does it help them interfere with my TV's, surveillance of me/perhaps including video - inside my home? 4. When under investigation they limit their Police/REDS surveillance in the community and increase NOISE, Siren Sounds harassment around my house. 5. Look to http://www.StopGangStalkingPolice.com to see snapshots (videos gone with you tube take down of my channel) for what they do when not being investigated.
Dec. 8, 2023 Our First Amendment Trashing FBI and Joint Terrorism Task Force 1. They make it hard to get into my website by moving my cursor when I try to write my password. 2. They corrupt my website my making things they don't want you to see darker - moving my adjustments. 3. Right now every letter I try to write is delayed. 4. Their Harassment is UNREMITTING. I just got a new computer and in two days they got into it to stop me from exercising my first amendment rights. 5. Where is the oversight of Congress for our Gang Stalking FBI and JTTF?
Dec. 11, 2023 - 2 pictures Took me 15 attempts to login to my website tonight because of our Constitution-trashing FBI/Joint Terrorism Task Force - There is a delay before I can type each letter because of their obstruction, also.
Dec. 11, 2023 - 1 of 2 pictures - As I get the wheelchair out of our car to shop - to my right one person is going into the store - with RED sneakers.
Dec. 11, 2023 - 2 of 2 pictures - As I get my brother out of the car to shop, a man with a RED shirt and a cowhide vest walks behind us into a car.
Dec. 12, 2023 - 2 pictures As usual with Our Corrupt FBI/JTTF, there is a delay before any letter I write appears.
Dec. 12, 2023 - 1 of 2 pictures - As I take the wheelchair out of my car in going into Target, a person in RED walks behind me.
Dec. 12, 2023 - 2 of 2 pictures- As I take my brother out of our car in going into Target, a man in RED walks in front of it.
Dec. 15, 2023 The FBI/JTTF is so good - just one Gang Stalking Pattern tonight. Not really. When Jim Jordan has them under investigation with his weaponization committee - they don't advertise what they do with conspicuous surveillance - They: 1. Constantly mess with my computer - cause a "lag" in each letter I write. 2. Mess with my website - the Jan. to Dec. headings. 3. Add things to my website to make it harder to read. 4. Make it so I can't log onto my website. 5. Cause me to have to spend hours with tech support to undo all they do. 6. Cause problems with my TVs. 7. Mob in front of my house. Make NOISE in front of my house. 8. Use BEEPING in front of my House to Harass.
Dec. 15, 2023 - As I walk into Walmart, a person wearing RED walks out.
Dec. 16, 2023 - 2 pictures
Dec. 16, 2023 - 1 of 2 pictures - As I’m getting my brother out of the car to go into Winco, a person in RED walks in front of our car.
Dec. 16, 2023 – 2 of 2 pictures - As we’re walking into Winco, a RED car passes behind us.
Dec. 17, 2023 Bush/CHENEY Got Neighborhood Watch Groups/Citizen Corps to Gang Stalk
Dec. 17, 2023 - UNREMITTING HARASSMENT & Mobbing – BEEPING as part of the Neighborhood UNREMITTING HARASSMENT in front of my house today along with Mobbing by a Neighborhood Gang Stalker when I went out to put garbage in my garbage can.
Dec. 19, 2023 Tried to take the DMV test online to renew my license: 1. first prevented from scanning my photo in 2. then prevented from scanning my license in. 3. Then from the window beside me came Power Equipment Noise - it's what the Orchestrators of U.S. Government Gang Stalking do.
Dec. 19, 2023 - I have been on my computer trying to complete the online process for my license renewal - from 10:00 AM to 3:22 PM. Are the Government Gang Stalkers obstructing my license renewal process? That's What They Do - constantly - try to block everything I do. My wish for them is to Rot In Hell!
Dec. 20, 2023 Lots of NOISE in front of my house today - A U.S. Government Gang Stalking Pattern of UNREMITTING HARASSMENT.
December 20, 2023 - 4 pictures
Dec. 20, 2023 - 1 of 4 pictures - As I go to exit the gas station where I bought my lotto ticket, a RED car comes in front of me.
Dec. 20, 2023 – 2 of 4 pictures - As I’m getting my brother’s wheelchair out of the car to go into Walmart, a RED SUV passes behind me.
Dec. 20, 2023 – 3 of 4 pictures – As I’m putting my brother’s wheelchair back in our car after shopping at Walmart, another RED vehicle passes behind me.
Dec. 20, 2023 – 4 of 4 pictures – At the big Gang Stalking corner of College Blvd./Vista Way on our way home, an EMS vehicle passes in front of me. Firemen Gang Stalk.
Dec. 21, 2023 Total Surveillance/Total Harassment Until the Target is "Neutralized"/Destroyed. The USA Since Bush/CHENEY.
Dec. 21, 2023
Total Surveillance and Harassment – 24 hours a day – for over 17 years by our Totally Corrupt FBI and Police in The Joint Terrorism Task Force1. Yesterday They interfered with my taking the test for renewing my driver’s license online so a 30 minute test turned into a five hour ordeal. They are always online with me Obstructing all I do.2. Today as I go on my computer – the NOISE of power equipment begins from the window beside me from the front of my house.
They desperately want to drive me from my home. I know too much. I tell too much. I must be “neutralized” which is the FBI word for destroyed. Of course, there is no state where the Joint Terrorism Task Force Gang Stalkers are not there. So just like when I moved from N.Y. to CA my Gang Stalking surveillance and harassment continued, no matter where I move the Joint Terrorism Task Force Thugs Abusing Their Power would be there – surveilling/harassing until they “neutralize”/destroy me. Welcome to the USA since Bush/CHENEY and the Neocons. Our Congressional leaders know about this, but do nothing.
They desperately want to drive me from my home. I know too much. I tell too much. I must be “neutralized” which is the FBI word for destroyed. Of course, there is no state where the Joint Terrorism Task Force Gang Stalkers are not there. So just like when I moved from N.Y. to CA my Gang Stalking surveillance and harassment continued, no matter where I move the Joint Terrorism Task Force Thugs Abusing Their Power would be there – surveilling/harassing until they “neutralize”/destroy me. Welcome to the USA since Bush/CHENEY and the Neocons. Our Congressional leaders know about this, but do nothing.
Dec. 23, 2023 Dec. 23, 2023 – The Power Equipment NOISE in front of my house has been going on Every Day for quite a while. And when I come here to my website to write about it there is a lag after each letter I write. IT’S LONG PAST TIME TO INVESTIGATE OUR COINTELPRO-LOVING, CONSTITUTION-TRASHING FBI AND JOINT TERRORISM TASK FORCE FOR UNREMITTING HARASSMENT AND MOBBING.
Dec. 24, 2023 - 3 pictures
Dec. 24, 2023 – 1 of 3 pictures – Here I am at the first intersection after I leave my development, the Big Gang Stalking corner of Rancho del Oro/Vista Way.
Dec. 24, 2023 – 2 of 3 pictures – Here I am leaving the ATM as a RED car passes in front of me.
Dec. 24, 2023 – 3 of 3 pictures – See any Anchoring pattern as I return to my car after coming out of CVS?