November 2024 U.S. Government Gang Stalking Patterns
11/30/2024 Our DARPA-loving/Havana Syndrome-doing Criminal Gang Stalking FBI is Physically Harming Government Gang Stalking targets. They get away with it because there is no oversight.
11/30/2024 - Today's Unremitting Harassment Pattern of Our Criminal Gang Stalking FBI & Their Citizen Corps Thugs: I go outside to throw away garbage and their Siren Sounds used as an "Anchor" start.
Same Time Exit/Entry Gang Stalking/Mobbing Pattern 6:50 pm 11/30/2024
I go to the mailbox to get my mail and an SUV pulls up.
11/27/2024 The first thing I do when I wake up is open my front door to see if the Amazon package that was supposed to come yesterday is there, instead what I see is a man in RED across the street. The Criminal Gang Stalking FBI reads my emails so that they know when a package will be late. Because of surveillance they know my routines - and will use that information For Mobbing.
11/28/2024 - To the left is a Government Gang Stalking Mobbing Pattern
Our Criminal Gang Stalking FBI & Their Citizen Corps Thugs track your movement Inside your Own House. They know your patterns. They know after I change my brother I go out to the garbage. The Government Gang Stalking Mobbing Pattern is as I went out to throw something in the trash a car stood with its lights on in front of my house.
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11/24/2024 - 2:25 Am – Criminal Gang Stalking FBI & Their Gang Stalking Thugs using one of their Favorite Unremitting Harassment Tactics – Their Phony Siren Sounds. And, of course, filling my computer with malware.
Nov. 18, 2024 - 1 of 3 pictures Here I am turning into the gas station where I usually buy my lotto tickets on my way to Walmart.
Nov. 18, 2024 - 2 of 3 pictures Here I am about to walk into the entrance of the gas station to buy my lotto tickets.
Nov. 18, 2024 - 3 of 3 pictures Here I am loading my car to go home after coming out of Walmart.
11/25/2024 – Criminal FBI & Citizen Corps Thugs Unremitting Harassment Pattern – at 1:26 AM Stopping My TV/with Interference/No Sound. 11/25/2024 – 11:29 pm Unremitting Harassment Pattern of Our Criminal Gang Stalking FBI & Their Citizen Corps Thugs – Stopping the sound of the show I’m watching.
Unremitting Harassment Patterns these last 2 days 11/17 - 1. Siren Sounds when I go to put garbage in my garbage cans. 2. Scrambling my passwords making it hard to get into websites 3. Shutting my TVs off. 11/18 - 1. Siren Sounds when I go into my garage to go out. 2. Siren Sounds when I pull into my garage in coming home. 3. Scrambling my passwords
Nov. 6, 2024 How Gaslighting works in Government Gang Stalking: I open my door to check for an amazon package and there are "low" siren sounds". Siren Sounds are used as an "Anchor" in Government Gang Stalking to Harass. Then the Power Equipment Noise starts in front of my house. My Hope Is That President-Elect Trump appoints Senator Mike Lee as Attorney General in his New Administration in America to Reform Our Criminal Intelligence Agencies like the Gang Stalking FBI and Restore the Rule of Law in America.
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It started the night he was elected - I felt a sharp pain. Things like this have happened before which I believe are the result of DARPA-like tactics used by our Gang Stalking FBI & Citizen Corps Thugs. I live in a twin house: there is a house attached to mine.
11/6/2024 - At night the Unremitting Harassment continues as they "Stop" my TV as I try to watch it.
11/8/2024 - Since the night of the election of President-elect Trump - our Criminal Gang Stalking FBI & Their Citizen Corps Thugs have been Frantic. Yesterday, they blocked me from writing on my website to show you how they interfere with my TVs (see picture below): they stop my TVs from playing. There were Siren Sounds to Harass. They scramble my passwords, prevent me from "writing" on my computer/I frequently have to copy and past from Notepad or Word. Last night - my phone kept ringing. As I woke up this morning - my printer - which was off, kept running. The feeling I get is their message they want to send is - So Trump Is Elected But That Will Not Stop Our Gang Stalking/Unremitting Harassment of You.
11/8/2024 - After seeing what our Criminal Gang Stalking has been doing today and yesterday, I fear for my safety. It's not that I think they are going to "kill" me (as I write this my phone constantly rings - they started that yesterday). I think they have a "plan" to make me less credible. These Criminals would do ANYTHING to make sure their Government Gang Stalking Program of Mobbing/Unremitting Harassment is never Exposed to the public. 11/8/2024 - 6:47 pm - I go out to put garbage in my garbage cans - the gaslighting Criminal FBI & Citizen Corps Thugs play Siren Sounds softly that they use an "Anchor" in their Unremitting Harassment Program.
11/9/2024 - Noise is the most Frequent Unremitting Harassment Tactic used by our Criminal FBI in their Government Gang Stalking Program which began with Bush/Cheney. Today there is Hammering in the House attached to mine.
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11/9/2024 - Last night and tonight, our Criminal Gang Stalking FBI & Their Citizen Corps Thugs use Siren Sounds to harass in their Program of Unremitting Harassment modeled on the Stasi in East Germany. Gaslighting Pattern: 11/12/2024 around 2 AM - As I sit at my computer, last night and tonight, from the window beside me comes very low Siren Sounds. The Gang Stalkers use Siren Sounds in their Program of Unremitting Harassment. And, of course, they continue to scramble my passwords that I try to enter to get onto websites and are constantly throwing me off pages - especially, when I'm on Twitter. When I try to write things they move the cursor so the letters go in the wrong places. 11/13/2024 - 1:17AM - Gang Stalking Criminal FBI & Citizen Corps Thugs as part of their Program of Unremitting Harassment repeatedly stop the sound of the TV I'm watching. 11/14/2024 - Woken up by a "pulsing" noise. From the house attached to mine? Wasn't Gang Stalked as I took my garbage cans in last night - seemed like surrounding houses didn't have people. But then when I watched TV the program lost its sound/just a "little bit" - felt like the Gang Stalkers had temporarily stopped harassment - but wanted me to know I'm still being Gang Stalked. My passwords are still scrambled when I try to put them in and as I wrote this - the cursor would move to a different position putting letters where I didn't want them. So far today's - 11/15/2024 - Unremitting Harassment Patterns have included: 1. power equipment noise around my house 2. soft tapping from the twin house attached to mine 3. scrambling my passwords 4. throwing me off the page I'm working on, on my computer 5. a "bell" sound on my computer 6. obstructing my Tweets on Twitter Nov. 20, 2024 Unremitting Harassment Patterns for Today: 1. Stop my TV’s as I’m listening to shows 2. Scramble my passwords so it takes me multiple attempts to get into websites 3. Gaslighting – Low Siren Sounds when I go to take in my garbage cans.
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11/21/2024 – 6:29 PM – Part of the Unremitting Harassment of Our American Stasi/Criminal FBI & Citizen Corps Thugs – stopping movies/programs I’m watching. 6:46 PM - Next come the Siren Sounds used in the Criminal FBI/Citizen Corps Gang Stalking Program to harass.
11/26/2024 - Unremitting Harassment Pattern by our Criminal FBI & Citizen Corps Thugs: Can't pay my bills online because of Malware our Criminal Gang Stalking FBI has installed on my computer/they scramble all my passwords. Took me 3 attempts to log in and post this because of FBI malware on my computer/they scramble my passwords.
How It Started
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A Note:
When my Government Gang Stalking first started in 2006, I had a young dog and I would take the dog and my brother who has a profound mental handicap out every day for a walk to get exercise. Now in 2024, our dog has died and, at 75, I have knee injuries which limit my walking. So the harassment has shifted from the Daily Mobbing in the Community by First Responders and members of Citizen Corps who do what the FBI calls "conspicuous surveillance" by wearing RED or using RED cars/trucks/bikes, strollers etc to unremitting harassment around my home. We still go out to shop, but much less frequently.
Government Gang Stalking Explained
Anchoring - The Core of Gang Stalking
This Mobbing /Surveillance Program that was Started By Bush/Cheney and Continues To This Day Includes The Following Tactics of Unremitting Harassment:
1. MOBBING2. Anchoring3. Siren Sounds4. Beeping5. Construction Noises6. Interfering with your Computer7. Interfering with your TV8. Reading your emails so they know when your appointments are scheduled etc., so they have Gang Stalkers in RED there when you go to appointments.9. Having workers set off alarms Inside stores when you are there - also alarms going off where you are in the community10. Getting to delivery people so your order is sabotaged
11. Barking dogs to harass
12. DARPA-like Tactics to cause Physical Harm which were first labeled the Havana Syndrome.
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Unremitting Harassment Patterns the last few days in October - Oct. 29, 2024 1. Stopping the sound on my TV as I listened to the news. 2. Causing Interference on my TVs. 3. Scrambling my passwords as I try to write them. 4. Causing a "bell" to ring intermittently on my computer. Oct. 30, 2024 1. Obstructing my Free Speech so I can’t post to this website.
2. Scrambling my passwords so I have to enter them several times at my bank etc.
3. Intermittently sounding a “bell” on my computer. 4. Unremitting Harassment of Gang Stalking Criminal FBI & Citizen Corps Thugs - see below - stopping my TVs.
Last Day of Oct. - Oct. 31, 2024 As I enter the gas station to buy my lotto tickets (my pattern when I go out) - two people in RED are here.
Oct. 31, 2024 - As I exit the gas station where I bought my lotto tickets, a person in RED is here.
Oct. 31, 2024 - When I arrived home, my eye drops were on the top of my laptop computer. I didn't put them there. The last time when I went out and came home - a kitchen drawer was broken. I think our Criminal FBI & Gang Stalking Thugs want me to know - they are coming into my house when I go out. They do these things to try to get me to move. As I write this there is a "Beep" from the window beside me.
Government Gang Stalking Patterns/Unremitting Harassment Patterns Continued:
Nov. 2, 2024 - Stopping my TV's from playing.