Government Gang Stalking - Just Another Sign of Our Corrupted America Follow the money. You walk on thin ice if you endanger the China honeypot or the military industrial complex honeypot or the Big Pharma honeypot or if you break-up a constituency vital to the money grubbing Elites keeping power.
U.S. Government Gang Stalking has gone on in every Administration since Bush/CHENEY. Today, more than ever, we all know Our Government Is Corrupt. That's why I am urging Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to get on the No Labels ticket, with Tulsi Gabbard as his VP, and To - As An Independent President - Restore Our Corrupted Country. Find Out What A Man of Integrity Who Thinks Independently Is Like.

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RFK Jr. is a threat to the Profits of the Military-Industrial Complex, Globalist Multinational Corporations, the income stream of Coastal Elites, and Big Pharma - even Trump didn't do that! Now can you see why the Powers that be can never let him become President?
August 2023 - U.S. Government Gang Stalking Patterns
U.S. Government Gang Stalking, a MOBBING Program of UNREMITTING HARASSMENT was started by Dick Cheney and the Bush Neocons and continues to this day.
17 Years A Government Gang Stalking Target

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Anchoring - The Core of U.S. Government Gang Stalking
August 17, 2023 - 7 pictures
Aug. 17, 2023 - 1 of 7 pictures - Here I am exiting my street.
Aug. 17, 2023 - 2 of 7 pictures - Here I am getting onto Buena Hills to exit my development in going out.
Aug. 17, 2023 - 3 of 7 pictures - I leave my development. Our Firemen - who Gang Stalk - are here.
Aug. 17, 2023 - 4 of 7 pictures - Here I am coming out of the store where I've been buying my lotto tickets.
Aug. 17, 2023 - 5 of 7 pictures - Here I've just entered the Winco parking lot.
Aug. 17, 2023 - 6 of 7 pictures - Have you noticed the last few days when I go to park in a handicapped space - a RED vehicle is there?
Aug. 17, 2023 - 7 of 7 pictures - When I get out of my car to go into Winco, a person wearing RED is walking behind it.
August 28, 2023 - 5 pictures
Aug. 28, 2023 1 of 5 pictures - There wasn't a RED SUV behind me when I went into the gas station - where I usually go to buy my lotto tickets - food mart.
Aug. 28, 2023 - 2 and 3 of 5 pictures - As I exit the gas station where I bought my lotto tickets first I see people sitting on the ground with a RED wagon and next there is a RED car.
Aug. 28, 2023 - 4 of 5 pictures - As I arrive at the front of Winco, there is one person walking - wearing RED.
Aug. 28, 2023 - 5 of 5 pictures - As we exit Winco, a RED truck comes in front of us.
Aug. 27, 2023 - It Took Multiple Attempts to Post To My Website Tonight Including Chatting with the Website Host and Posting To Twitter I Couldn't Login Tonight Before I Was Able To Post The Pictures Below - 4 in all.
Aug. 27, 2023 - 1 of 4 Pictures - Notice anything as I am about to enter the gas station where I always buy my lotto tickets on the way to Walmart?
Aug. 27, 2023 - 2 of 4 pictures - As I take my brother's wheelchair out of our car to go into Walmart, a person in RED exits the store.
Aug. 27, 2023 - 3 of 4 pictures - As we are entering Walmart, a person wearing RED is exiting.
Aug. 27, 2023 - 4 of 4 pictures - As I go to enter my development in coming home - a RED car enters Buena Hills before me.
August 25, 2023 - 4 pictures
Aug. 25, 2023 - 1 of 4 pictures - Here I am at the Big Gang Stalking corner of El Camino Real/Vista Way. There is only one person at this corner - wearing RED.
Aug. 25, 2023 - 2 of 4 pictures - As I go to pull into a parking space at the ATM, a RED car passes by.
Aug. 25, 2023 - 3 of 4 pictures - As we get out of our car to go into Target, a RED car passes in front of us.
Aug. 25, 2023 - 4 of 4 pictures - As we go back to our gray car after coming out of Target, a RED car is beside it.
Aug. 23, 2023
Someone with a RED truck must be building something across the street. There have been hammering etc./construction noises these last few days.
Aug. 24, 2023: Woken up by hammering today.
Aug. 23, 2023 - That night - 2 pictures
Aug. 23, 2023 - 1 of 2 pictures - As I get out of my car to shop, a RED car is passing by.
Aug. 23, 2023 - 2 of 2 pictures - As I help my brother out of our car - a second RED car passes by.
Aug. 25, 2023 - The Orchestrators of Government Gang Stalking (at Camp Pendleton?) started to cause interference on my TV. I grabbed my camcorder to record what they do - and the stopped.
August 15, 2023 Evening - 4 pictures
Aug. 15, 2023 - 1 of 4 pictures - Here's the gas station where I've been buying my lotto tickets for the last few days. See any Anchoring?
Aug. 15, 2023 - 2 of 4 pictures - Here I am exiting the gas station where I bought my lotto tickets. See any Anchoring?
August 15, 2023 - 3 of 4 pictures - As we walk out of CVS, a man with a RED hat walks in front of us.
Aug. 15, 2023 - 4 of 4 pictures - As we back out of our parking space at CVS, a RED truck parks beside us.
Aug. 16, 2023 - 5 pictures
Aug. 16, 2023 - 1 of 5 pictures - See any Anchoring Pattern as I enter the parking lot to go to the ATM?
Aug. 16, 2023 - 2 of 5 pictures - See any Anchoring Pattern as I leave the parking lot after going to the ATM?
Aug. 16, 2023 - 3 of 5 pictures - See any Anchoring Pattern as I park in the handicapped spaces (my brother is handicapped) where I always park when I come to Walmart?
Aug. 16, 2023 - 4 of 5 pictures - As we're getting out of our car to shop a man walks behind it.
Aug. 16, 2023 - 5 of 5 pictures - As we walk into Walmart, a man in RED is walking out.
Aug. 19, 2023 - The Day Before Hurricane Hillary - Wondering why I lost telephone and internet service - the day before Hurricane Hillary hit. My Internet provider told me it wasn't because of a general outage and they would send a tech. I Find It Suspicious because the Orchestrators of Gang Stalking (at Camp Pendleton?) often mess with my cable service in their Program of UNREMITTING HARASSMENT. I did open my front door and this is what I saw...
To My Left... on Aug. 19
To My Right... on Aug. 19
August 21, 2023 - 2 pictures As we get out of our car to shop at Walmart, a person in RED walks in back of us and in front of us.
Aug. 21, 2023 - The top picture shows a person in RED walking in back of our car as we get out of it, while the second picture shows a person in RED walking in front of us.
Aug. 22, 2023 - NOISE and Beeping from across the street today. No surprise there!
August 3, 2023 - 5 pictures
Aug. 3, 2023 - 1 of 5 pictures - As I go to exit my development in going out, a RED car passes in front of me.
Aug. 3, 2023 - 2 of 5 pictures - As I enter my parking space to shop, a person wearing RED passes in front of me.
Aug. 3, 2023 - 3 of 5 pictures - As I take my brother (who has a mental handicap) out of our car to shop, a RED SUV is passing by us.
4 of 5 pictures - As we come back to our car after shopping, a RED car passes by us.
Aug. 3, 2023 - 5 of 5 pictures - When we get back onto the main road, College Blvd., after coming out of the parking lot where we shopped - two RED cars are in front of us.
Aug. 4, 2023 UNREMITTING HARASSMENT of Our American Stasi (First Responders & Neighborhood Watch Groups/Citizens Corp) - There has been Sporatic BEEPING all day today from across the street and in the back of my house.
Aug. 5, 2023 - 4 pictures (we didn't go out Aug. 4)
See any "Anchoring" Patterns as I pull into a handicapped space (my brother has a handicap) where I always park at Walmart?
August 5, 2023 - 2 of 4 pictures - As I get out of my car to shop, a person in RED walks behind it.
August 5, 2023 - 3 of 4 pictures - As I get my brother (who has a profound mental handicap) out of the car, a person in RED walks in front of it.
As I'm trying to post these pictures there is constant interference in my doing so.
Aug. 5, 2023 - 4 of 4 pictures - As I leave the Walmart parking lot and get back onto College Blvd. there is a RED SUV first in line at the intersection - a U.S. Government Gang Stalking/MOBBING Pattern.
August 12, 2023 - 4 pictures (we didn't go out Aug. 11)
Aug. 12, 2023 - 1 of 4 pictures - Here we are arriving at the front of Winco.
Aug. 12, 2023 - 2 of 4 pictures - As I exit my car a RED SUV parks behind me.
Aug. 12, 2023 - 3 of 4 pictures - As I go to take my brother's wheelchair out of the car, a man wearing RED walks behind it.
Aug. 12, 2023 - 4 of 4 pictures - As we go to exit Winco, a RED vehicle rides in front of the front doors of the store.
August 14, 2023 - 2 pictures It took several attempts to get passed the obstructions to my posting to my website.
Aug. 14, 2023 - 1 of 2 pictures - As we're getting out of our car to shop, a RED SUV passes in front of us.
Aug. 14, 2023 - 2 of 2 pictures - As we're leaving the store after shopping a RED car passes behind us.
Aug. 13, 2023 - What are The Government Gang Stalkers up to today: Harassment with their Phony Siren Sounds Used As An Anchor/Along with BEEPING from across the street.
Aug. 13 - Next - They did Same Time Exit/Entry Gang Stalking: I open my door to pick up an Amazon package on the ground and a Government Gang Stalker rides in front of me in their car/there is hardly ever traffic on my street.
Aug. 13, 2023 - 4 pictures
Aug. 13, 2023 - 1 of 4 pictures - Here we are starting our evening walk on Carlsbad Blvd.
Aug. 13, 2023 2 of 4 pictures - There are not too many people walking here at night.
Aug. 13, 2023 - 3 of 4 pictures - There are even fewer people walking across the street.
Aug. 13, 2023 - 4 of 4 pictures - And there are even fewer than that sitting on the benches at night.
Aug. 13 - But, of course, wherever a Government Gang Stalking target goes - there is RED!
Aug. 15, 2023 - Our COINTELPRO-loving FBI gets Neighbors/People in the Neighborhood To MOB/Use Anchoring/ Beep, Use Power Equipment, Siren Sounds in UNREMITTING HARASSMENT.
Aug. 15, 2023 - Notice anything in My Gang Stalking neighborhood (compliments of the Cheney & the Neocons PSY-OPS National Program) as I open my front door today?
Aug. 6, 2023 - Power Equipment Day - NOISE in My Gang Stalking Neighborhood
In my Gang Stalking Neighborhood - where they get neighbors and people in the neighborhood to Gang Stalk/Harass - they do so to try to get you to move. I've thought about it because I'll never be able to afford a house in CA (why I buy lotto tickets every day) that isn't the size of a big walk-in closet, but I've decided against it. The rest of the U.S. is either cold/has snow or it has Alligators (they eat people) or it has tornadoes that destroy your homes. I have decided while CA has Government Gang Stalking - and because of its Democrat leadership has many problems - it's better than Snow, Alligators, or Tornadoes. Also, my brother would bang his head more in high humidity. So Sorry, Government Gang Stalkers, - you will have me Exposing You until the day I die.
Aug. 1, 2023 U.S. Government Gang Stalking Pattern: As we sit down to lunch from outside our dining room window comes the NOISE of Power Equipment.

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We didn't go out Aug. 1 or 2. Aug. 2, 2023: The UNREMITTING HARASSMENT of our American Stasi (First Responders & Neighborhood Watch Groups/Citizens Corp) - There has been sporatic BEEPING all day from across the street.
Aug. 7, 2023 - Went to the dentist today. My babysitter walked my brother outside in his wheelchair as I was at the dentist. There was lots of Gang Stalking today, but I don't take my camera when I'm out with the babysitter.
Aug. 10, 2023 - 4 pictures
Aug. 10, 2023 - 1 of 4 pictures - Same Time Exit/Entry U.S. Government Gang Stalking/MOBBING Pattern: When I back out of my garage to go out - the only people I see on the street - are here.
Aug. 10, 2023 - 2 of 4 pictures - As I ride down Buena Hills to leave my development, I see only one person walking on the street - wearing a RED shirt.
Aug. 10, 2023 - 3 of 4 pictures - Here we are arriving at Albertsons.
Aug. 10, 2023 - 4 of 4 pictures - As we get out of our car to go into Albertsons, people in a RED SUV in front of us get out of there's.
Aug. 9, 2023 - 1 Gang Stalking Pattern Today After A Blatant Violation of My First Amendment Rights
Aug. 9, 2023 - One Gang Stalking Pattern today, perhaps, to make up for the fact My First Amendment Right was repeatedly violated for a long time today. Below is the person with a RED hat who passed behind my car as I was helping my brother out of the car. Before I left my home for that outing, my First Amendment Right was violated as I repeatedly tried to post what I have written below on my website - with repeated attempts for a prolonged period of time ending in failure. I suspect the Corrupt Orchestrators of Gang Stalking (at Camp Pendleton?) prevented my posting it.
What Too MANY Attempts to post:
"RFK Jr. is a threat to the Profits of the Military-Industrial Complex, Globalist Multinational Corporations, the income stream of Coastal Elites, and Big Pharma - even Trump didn't do that! Now can you see why the Powers that be can never let him become President?"
FBI Censorship is All About Profits. Preserving the Profits of-
The Military-Industrial Complex
Globalist Multi-National Corporations - making a killing in China
The Income of Coastal Elites like Joe Biden
The Profits of Big Pharma
I would like to emphasize I never say any Individual is a U.S. Government Gang Stalker. I am not a mind reader. I don't know people's intentions. I just talk about or show Patterns that I have seen since 2006 when my U.S. Government Gang Stalking, a Bush/CHENEY COINTELPRO-like Program, began. There needs to be an Investigation into the secret surveillance programs Bush and the Neocons put in place that still continue to this day.