"Evil is in Control Now": Those who worship their own Ego.
Sept. 19, 2023 The MOBBING Pattern of Our FBI/DOJ/JTTF Gestapo Probably Orchestrated at Camp Pendleton
Sept. 19, 2023 - I open my front door to check to see if an amazon package arrived and on my completely empty street a person passes in front of me. This is the U.S. Government Gang Stalking MOBBING/Gang Stalking Pattern (done in red once I leave my development).
In order to do this - which has been going on for 17 years:
1. They have to know your patterns from watching you 24/7 - know I check for packages when I get up.
2.They have to recruit people in the neighborhood to Gang Stalk.
3. They have to observe your movements INSIDE your own home - to time it so when you open your door the Gang Stalker passes in front of you.
U.S. Government Gang Stalking/MOBBING & Unremitting Harassment - Part of the Hybrid War by Globalists To Create A Totalitarian New World Order Run By Elites - Started in the Globalist Bush/CHENEY Administration. Some of the Tactics of Hybrid Warfare 1. propaganda 2. surveillance 3. disinformation 4. gaslighting/psyops 5. eradication of the concept of the individual 6. control by Elites 7. lawfare 8. economic devastation 9. cancellation 10. control of the language 11. demonization 12. projection
I Vote Populist, not Globalist doortofreedom.org
They Called Parents Terrorists Because They Attended A School Board Meeting. I've Been Gang Stalked/MOBBED by First Responders & Neighborhood Watch Groups/Citizen Corps/The REDS Since May 2006 Because a Fireman Neighbor & His MOBBING Friends Told Lies About Me After A Property Boundry Dispute. https://mailchi.mp/rutherford/how-the-government-weaponizes-surveillance-to-silence-its-critics-by-john-nisha-whitehead-201580
U.S. Government Gang Stalking Patterns For September 2023 - After Introduction

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Government Gang Stalking Started in the Globalist Bush/CHENEY Administration
If there is one thing Globalists will not stand it's if you are a threat to their Sources of Money - the Military Industrial Complex, Big Pharma, making money in China - or stand for things incompatible with their New World Order, the Bill of Rights/ Constitution, or the form of government our Founders created.
I See One Person Who Has The Resolve and Spiritual Fortitude To Reform Our Corrupt Department of Justice and COINTELPRO-loving Intelligence Agencies - Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Not Just Another Politician - Hear Where He Stands In His Own Words

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U.S. Government Gang Stalking Patterns For September 2023
Anchoring - The Core of U.S. Government Gang Stalking
September 2, 2023 (we didn't go out on Sept. 1) 5 of 7 pictures I go into the 76 Gas Station on my way to Walmart to get my Lotto tickets - Our Gang Stalking Police Come in Right After me. 5 Pictures of the Police SUV/Oceanside Police Gang Stalk.
Then the Police SUV that came in right after I parked - Stood by the Exit of the Gas Station.
Sept. 2, 2023 - Here as I take my brother out of our car to go into Walmart - a RED car passes in back of us. 6 of 7 pictures
Sept. 2, 2023 - And here we are in our car ready to go (at closing time) after shopping at Walmart. 7 of 7 pictures
Sept. 3, 2023 - Again the Orchestrators of Government Gang Stalking Obstructed My Ability To Login To My Website Tonight - 5 pictures.
Sept. 3, 2023 - 1 of 5 pictures - As we pull into the parking space where we park 98% of the time when we come to CVS, a RED car with its lights on is in back of us.
Sept. 3, 2023 - 2 of 5 pictures - As we go to enter CVS, a man with a bike is in front of the entrance.
Sept. 3, 2023 - 3 of 5 pictures - As we enter the Winco parking lot, a person in RED is here.
Sept. 3, 2023 - 4 of 5 pictures - As we get out of our car to go into Winco, a person wearing RED passes in front of us.
Sept. 3, 2023 - 5 of 5 pictures - As we go back to our car after coming out of Winco, a man wearing RED is standing behind it.
Aug. 4, 2023 3 pictures
Aug. 4, 2023 - 1 of 3 pictures - Here I am going down Buena Hills to exit my development in going out.
Aug. 4, 2023 - 2 of 3 pictures - Here I am entering the Walmart parking lot to pick up a few things.
Aug. 4, 2023 - 3 of 3 pictures - Notice any Anchoring pattern as I get our things out of the car to go into Walmart?
Sept. 5, 1013 - These Last Few Days Hammering Has Been Continuous From Across the Street - A Government Gang Stalking Pattern.

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Sept. 6, 2023 - 3 pictures
Sept. 6, 2023 - 1 of 3 pictures - As I go down Buena Hills to leave my development in going out, I see one person on the street.
Sept. 6, 2023 - 2 of 3 pictures - As I get out of my car to go into Winco, a person wearing RED walks behind it.
Sept. 6, 2023 - 3 of 3 pictures - As I get into my car to leave Winco, a person wearing RED comes in front of me.
Sept. 7, 2023 Woken Up Again By The Same NOISE Sept. 9 Our American Stasi Strikes Again I was woken up this morning with "strange noises" that repeated maybe ten minutes apart. When I put a camcorder outside - it stopped. Looks like when you have a Gang Stalking FBI/DOJ/JTTF that gets neighbors to UNREMITTINGLY HARASS, you constantly need a camera outside.
September 7, 2023 - 3 pictures
Sept. 7, 2023 - 1 of 3 pictures - Here we are arriving at Home Depot.
Sept. 7, 2023 - 2 of 3 pictures - Here we are walking into Home Depot.
Sept. 7 - I've tried several times to post the 3rd picture. Even with the two pictures above I had to post the pictures without being able to see what I was posting. Our Corrupt FBI/DOJ/JTTF responsible for Gang Stalking don't want you to know what they are doing.
Sept. 7, 2023 - 3 of 3 pictures - As we return to our car after coming out of Home Depot, a man with a RED hat passes in front of it.
Sept. 7, 2023 - Prevented from posting on a couple of my browsers. The third browser I tried allowed me to post the picture above.
The UNREMITTING HARASSMENT of Our American Stasi What I wrote here was just erased so I will write it again. In order to publish it I had to switch to a different browser (Orchestrators of Gang Stalking consistently obstruct free speech) Sept. 9, 2023 - As I sit here at my desk reading, from the open window beside me at 2:09 AM comes a low continuous Siren Sound (the Gang Stalkers use Siren Sounds as an Anchor) from one of the Government Gang Stalkers on my block.
Sept. 9, 2023 - I open my front door and there is a low Siren Sound. Siren Sounds are used as "Anchors" by our (Dick Cheney & the Neocons') American Stasi in their UNREMITTING HARASSMENT (I didn't go out yesterday).
Sept. 9, 2023 - When I Went Out - 3 pictures
Sept. 9, 2023 - 1 of 3 pictures - Here I am walking out of the gas station food mart where I bought my lotto tickets.
Sept. 9, 2023 - 2 of 3 pictures - As I get out of my car to shop - a person in RED is here walking into the store.
Sept. 9, 2023 - 3 of 3 pictures - Here we are walking into the store.
Sept. 11, 2023 - I open my front door to check for a package and across the street at 3184 Coral Drive, a man with RED shorts stands in the doorway.
Sept. 11, 2023 - When we went out that night - 4 pictures.
Sept. 11, 2023 - 1 of 4 pictures - After I leave my development in going out, there is only one person walking on Vista Way - wearing RED.
Sept. 11, 2023 - 2 of 4 pictures - As I get our things out of the car to shop, a person wearing RED passes in back of our car.
Notice any Anchoring Patterns? - 9/11/2023
Sept. 11, 2023 - 3 of 4 pictures - Here we are exiting the store after shopping.
Sept. 11, 2023 - 4 of 4 pictures - Here we are arriving back at our car after shopping.
Sept. 12, 2023 - 4 pictures Spent hours Tonight Trying To Get The Pictures Below Published - Our First Amendment Trashing FBI/DOJ/JTTF and the Orchestrators of Government Gang Stalking - probably at Camp Pendleton - obstructed me every step of the way.
Sept. 12, 2023 - 1 of 4 pictures - As I go to exit my development in going out, a RED car passes in front of me.
Sept. 12, 2023 - 2 of 4 pictures - As we get out of our car to go into a store, a RED car passes in front of us.
Sept. 12, 2023 - 3 of 4 pictures - As we are walking out of the store, a RED car passes in front of us.
Sept. 12, 2023 - 4 of 4 pictures - As I am getting into my car to go, a man wearing RED walks in front of my car.
Sept. 13, 2023 - I Get Up And The Power Equipment NOISE from across the street starts.
Sept. 13, 2023 - Here I've opened my front door to retrieve a UPS package. 1 picture
Sept. 13 - The Obstructions to my exercising my First Amendment right - Exposing the Horrific Government Gang Stalking Program of the FBI/DOJ/JTTF which started with Dick Cheney - is continuous. The latest thing: I try to publish the daily mobbing patterns - it says my website is published - but it isn't. Yesterday it appeared Hours Later. Today it worked - after the Hosts of the website created a ticket to investigate. This is just another example of the UNREMITTING HARASSMENT of the Orchestrators of Government Gang Stalking, probably at Camp Pendleton.
Sept. 15, 2023 - 1st day we've been out in a while - 3 pictures
Sept. 15, 2023 - 1 of 3 - Here I am getting our things out of the car as a man in RED comes in back of us.
Sept. 15, 2023 - 2 of 3 - As we're getting out of our car, a person in RED is going into the store ahead of us.
Sept. 15, 2023 - 3 of 3 pictures - As we're walking toward the store, a RED car passes beside us.
Sept. 17, 2023 - Part of the UNREMITTING HARASSMENT - Television Interference - Fix it - Recurs Months Later.

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Sept. 17, 2023 - 3 pictures
Sept. 17, 2023 - 1 of 3 pictures - As I arrive at the Winco parking lot, there is an Anchoring Pattern.
Sept. 17, 2023 - 2 of 3 pictures - As I get out of my car after parking at Winco - to my left a car alarm goes off - stops - then goes off a second time - a Government Gang Stalking harassment pattern.
Sept. 17, 2023 - 3 of 3 pictures - To my right as I get out of my car - a man in RED is exiting the store.
Sept. 18, 2023 The PSY-OPS War Globalist Dick Cheney Started - for me - in its 17th Year Now Sept. 18, 2023 - U.S. Government Gang Stalking Same Time Exit/Entry Pattern: I go to bring my garbage can out - and on a completely empty street - a person walks in front of me, the Gang Stalking/MOBBING Pattern
Sept. 18, 2023 - Put Nothing Past Our Corrupt Intel Agencies and the Orchestrators of Government Gang Stalking Who Cause This Daily Mischief, probably at Camp Pendleton.
Sept. 18, 2023 - Lost control of my laptop keyboard for about an hour. The Tech Support I pay for couldn't help me to restore it. Got off the phone with them and it just came back. Now who do you suppose did that?
Sept. 19, 2023 - Haven't gone out for the last couple of days. So the Orchestrators of Government Gang Stalking Have To Use UNREMITTING HARASSMENT in My Home.

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Sept. 21, 2023 The UNREMITTING HARASSMENT of the COINTELPRO-loving FBI/DOJ/JTTF and their military partners at Camp Pendleton. No RED cars tonight. That would be too obvious. So our COINTELPRO-LOVING FBI/DOJ/JTTF and their Orchestrating Thugs, probably at Camp Pendleton (they used my password to get into my youtube channel) are Orchestrating UNREMITTING HARASSMENT Inside My Home 1. They caused interference on my TV when I watched Fox. 2. Then they made it so my laptop keyboard was all screwed up. 3. Next they made it so I got a spinning circle if I tried to watch Prime movies. 4. And tonight their latest thing - they stopped the movie I was watching right before the ending, so I couldn't see the end.
Sept. 24, 2023 - 2 pictures Didn't go out last night
Sept. 24, 2023 - 1 of 2 pictures - As we arrive at the store to shop, a man wearing RED walks in front of us.
Sept. 24, 2023 - 2 of 2 pictures - As I go to get my brother out of the car - the only vehicle riding in the parking lot - is the RED one that passes by us.
Sept. 25, 2023 - 1 picture
Sept. 25, 2023 - 1 picture - If you know what are Snake-in-the-grass Intelligence Agencies do when they are under investigation, it won’t surprise you that there is only one Gang Stalking Pattern tonight – the RED car that passed us by as we get into our car to go.
Explanation for 1 picture on Sept. 25 What Our Snake-in-the-Grass Intel Agencies Do
The Church Committee, the Senate Committee, which investigated COINTELPRO explained what the FBI and CIA do when they know they are under investigation: p. 109 of the Church Committee Report – “Fearing that the New York mail opening program might be discovered by this subcommittee the CIA considered suspending the operation Until The Investigation Had Been Completed.”
“Mr. Karamessines (Assistant Deputy Director for Plans) felt that the dangers inherent in Long’s subcommittee activities to the security of the Project’s operations in New York should be thoroughly studied in order that a determination can be made as to whether these operations should be partially or fully suspended until the subcommittee’s investigations are completed.”
Sept. 26, 2023 - Today's Power Equipment NOISE Day
Sept. 26, 2023 - They use the NOISE of Power Equipment to try to persuade me to move (it's inconvenient for them that I Expose Government Gang Stalking in my neighborhood) everytime I go on Realtor.com and look for houses (one of my favorite pastimes to daydream about what house I'd buy if I won the lottery). Sorry, Gang Stalkers, haven't won the lottery yet!

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Sept. 27, 2023 Didn't go out today, so what do you think our Corrupt COINTELPRO-loving Intel Agencies did to harass - Interference on my TV - until I pulled out my camcorder to record it - then it stopped.
Sept. 28, 2023 - 3 pictures
Sept. 28, 2023 - 1 of 3 pictures - As I arrive at the front of Sprouts, a person in RED walks in front of my car.
Sept. 28, 2023 - 2 of 3 pictures - As I get out of my car, a RED SUV passes behind me.
Sept. 28, 2023 - 3 of 3 pictures - As we're walking into Sprouts, a RED SUV passes in front of us.
Sept. 30, 2023 (Didn't go out Sept. 29) I looked at my multi-million dollar homes on Realtor.com last night - often daydream what I would buy if I won the lottery - So The Government Gang Stalking Pattern Every Day After I Do That Is To Have Power Equipment NOISE near my house in the morning. It's what these A-holes do to encourage me to move because I Expose The Government Gang Stalking that goes on in my neighborhood.
Evening of Sept. 30 - 2 pictures
Sept. 30, 2023 - 1 of 2 pictures - As I pull into my parking space to shop, a lady in RED passes in front of our car.
Sept. 30, 2023 - 2 of 2 pictures - As I get out of my car to shop, a RED SUV passes in back of us.