June 30, 2023 RED Cars - Just Too Obvious The Last Few Days For Our Corrupt COINTELPRO-LOVING FBI So The Government Gang Stalkers Have Reverted To NOISE.
RThe last few days, the Government Gang Stalkers have stopped using their Army of MOBBING RED cars/trucks etc. and today they are using what they always use when their Favorite Anchor - RED is too dangerous/We Can See What They Do - to use - NOISE by my house.
UNREMITTING HARASSMENT Stage 2: So now after the NOISE stopped we're on UNREMITTING HARASSMENT Stage 2 - they mess with my Cable TV. So far on the phone with that provider for over an hour trying to get it back.
June 30, 2023 - That Night What happens when you tell the Narcissists who Orchestrate Government Gang Stalking: "RED is too dangerous to use/we can see what they do"? See 1 to 6 for the answer to that question.
- June 30, 2023 - 1 of 6 - Hurt a Narcissists Pride and they "have to" defend it. As we enter the Winco parking lot a person carrying something RED is walking in.
June 30, 2023 - 2 of 6 - As we pull into our parking space at Winco - someone wearing RED is getting into a car in front of us.
June 30, 2023 3 of 6 - A car stands behind us with its lights on. I notice because "Brighting" is a U.S. Government Gang Stalking harassment tactic.
June 30, 2023 4 of 6 As I'm helping my brother out of our car, a person in RED passes by in front of us. And a RED car passes behind us. 5 of 6
June 30, 2023 6 of 6 As we leave our car and start walking toward the store, a person wearing RED comes in front of us.
June 24,2023 - At 4:24 AM - Banging Outside coming from 3189 Coral Drive. I go out to see a lady from that house there.
June 24, 2023
June 24, 2023 - 1 of 3 - As we arrive back at our car after coming out of Winco, a person in RED walks in front of it.
June 23, 2023 - 2 of 3 - As I get into my car to go, a RED car pulls up into a space in front of us.
June 24, 2023 - 3 of 3 - As we go to exit the parking lot, a RED car passes in front of us.
On June 15 - after during the day posting on Twitter to Cornel West about Government Gang Stalking - I lost the ability to post to my website. My guess is Cornel West is the one person our Corrupt FBI/JTTF didn't want to know about Government Gang Stalking. Here are the Government Gang Stalking Patterns I wasn't able to post on June 15. Thanks for the help of my network provider. The Patterns you see below have been going on for 17 years. My Government Gang Stalking began in 2006, when a new fireman neighbor tried to get me to move after a dispute over property boundaries.
Jun. 15, 2023 Here I am at the Big Gang Stalking corner of El Camino Real/Vista Way Going To Winco. 1 of 6
Jun. 15, 2023 Here we are entering Winco. See any "Anchoring" pattern behind me (they know my every move, where I shop etc.)? 2 of 6
There were Gang Stalking/MOBBING Patterns inside the store where I can't take pictures.
When we go back to our car after coming out of Winco - 1st - a person in RED walks behind our car. 3 of 6
Next, a RED car passes by. 4 of 6
As I help my brother (profoundly mentally handicapped) get into the car, two men in RED stand behind us. 5 of 6
As we go to exit the Winco parking lot - an Anchoring Pattern, again. 6 of 6
President Trump In His Speech The Day He Was Indicted: “They are using PSY-OPS on Citizens.”
Lieutenant Colonel Anthony Schaffer told Judge Napolitano on Freedom Watch our Government was using Neuro-Linguistic Programming in its PSY-OPS program.
Anchoring – the Core of Government Gang Stalking Is a Neuro-Lingusitic Progamming Technique.
PSY-OPS = NLP = Anchoring = Our COINTELPRO-loving FBI using Government Gang Stalking with its primary Anchor – RED.
How "Anchoring" Works The Core of U.S. Government Gang Stalking https://stopgangstalkingpolice.com/howanchoringworks.html
June 18, 2023 1 of 7
6/18 - 1 of 7 Here I am leaving the gas station where I bought my lotto tickets on the way to Walmart.
June 18 - 2 of 7 As I arrive at Walmart our Police who Gang Stalk are here.
June 18, 2023 3 of 7 - When I park someone with something RED tucked under his arm walks behind my car.
June 18, 2023 4 of 7 - As I get out of my car a RED SUV parks in front of me.
June 18, 2023 - 5 of 7: Another SUV of Our Police who Gang Stalk drives up.
June 18, 2023 6 of 7 - As we're walking into Walmart, a man with a RED rimmed hat walks in front of us.
June 18 2023 7 of 7 - When we go back to our car after shopping two people in RED walk behind it.
We didn't go out on June 19.
June 20, 2023 - 7 pictures
June 20, 2023 - 1 of 7 - See any Anchoring Pattern here at the corner of Campus Drive/Buena Hills as I get onto Buena Hills to leave my development in going out?
June 20, 2023 - 2 of 7 - As I turn left into the CVS parking lot - a RED car is in front of me. I called first to see if the prescriptions were ready. Of course, our Corrupt Intel listens to my phone conversations.
June 20, 2023 - 3 of 7 - As I arrive at CVS, see any Anchoring Pattern?
June 20, 2023 - 4 of 7 - As I'm getting our things out of the car to go into CVS, a RED SUV passes behind us.
June 20, 2023 - 5 of 7 - As we arrive back at our car after coming out of CVS, a RED car pulls in beside us.
June 20, 2023 - 6 of 7 - I pull out of my parking space to go to a store to shop in the same parking lot, when a person in RED walks in front of my car.
June 20, 2023 - 7 of 7 - As I'm getting our things out of our car to shop, a RED truck passes by.
June 20, 2023
1. They interfere with my ability to access my website.
2. There is interference in the TV I am watching in my house.
3. They mess with my computer so I have to wait to log in, have problems accessing sites.
Our American Stasi - just like the Stasi that Existed in East Germany Are Now a Percentage of Our Population.
Do the Orchestrators of Government Gang Stalking - at Camp Pendleton? - flip an employee at Cox - just like an employee at UPS or Doordash or Grubhub etc. - to cause "trouble" for the targets of this outrageous U.S. Government Gang Stalking Program? Only an Investigation will tell. What our Corrupt Intel and Police did during COINTELPRO: "The FBI and police used a myriad of "dirty tricks" to undermine movements. They planted false media stories and published bogus leaflets and other publications in the name of targeted groups. They forged correspondence, sent anonymous letters, and made anonymous telephone calls. They spread misinformation about meetings and events, set up pseudo movement groups run by government agents, and manipulated or strong-armed parents, employers, landlords, school officials, and others to cause trouble..." They've done it before. After 9/11 thanks to Bush/Cheney, they started doing something similar again.
June 16 & 17 We didn't go out on June 16 or 17.
June 21, 2023 - 4 pictures
June 21, 2023 - 1 of 4 - As I enter the Walmart parking lot, a RED car is in front of me.
June 21, 2023 - 2 of 4 - As we walk out of Walmart after shopping a man with a RED jacket is walking in.
June 20, 2023 - 3 & 4 of 4 - As we go back to our car after coming out of Walmart, a RED truck passes by and a RED car parks in front of us.
Our Corrupt FBI That Through The JTTF Has Radicalized Our Police https://www.aclu.org/other/more-about-fbi-spying
Programs Like U.S. Government Gang Stalking It's What The FBI Has Always Done https://mailchi.mp/rutherford/rein-in-the-fbi-by-john-nisha-whitehead?e=c2f1e0cab5
U.S. Government Gang Stalking Patterns - June 1, 2023
June 1, 2023 Government Gang Stalking PatternsI have to list them before posting pictures because the Orchestrators of Gang Stalking at the end of May started scrambling my pictures.1. When I go to get onto Buena Hills to leave my development there is the “usual” RED chair at the corner.2. When I exit the parking lot of the gas station where I bought my lotto tickets – a RED car was there.3. Back on El Camino Real – after exiting the lot – a RED car was in front of me.4. When I arrive at Winco a lady with what looks like a RED sweater walks in front of my car.5. As I’m getting the wheelchair out of my car – a RED car passes by.6. As we’re entering Winco, a person in RED walks behind us.7. As we’re exiting Winco after shopping, a RED car passes in front of us.
June 1, 2023 - 1 of 7 pictures: As I go to get onto Buena Hills to leave my development in going out - a RED chair/Anchoring pattern is on the corner.
June 1, 2023 - 2 of 7 pictures: When I exit the parking lot of the gas station where I bought lotto tickets, a RED car was there.
June 1, 2023 - 3 of 7 pictures: When I get back on El Camino Real after exiting the parking lot - there's a RED car in front of me.
June 1, 2023 - 4 of 7 pictures - When I arrive at Winco, a lady with what looks like a RED sweater walks in front of my car.
June 1, 2023 - 5 of 7 pictures - As I'm getting the wheelchair out of the car to go into Winco, a RED car passes by.
June 1, 2023 - 6 of 7 pictures - As we are entering Winco, a man with a RED jacket walks behind us.
June 1, 2023 - 7 of 7 pictures - As we are exiting Winco after shopping, a RED car passes in front of us.
June 5, 2023 Do Gang Stalkers Do Dangerous Things On The Road?
June 5, 2023 As we are about to turn into our development in coming home tonight (speed limit 45 mph) - a man walks in front of us on the road and drops a green bar in front of my car.
June 5, 2023 And at the store...
6/5/2023 As I get out of my car to shop - a man wearing RED walks behind my car.
June 5, 2023 - Here we are walking out of the store after shopping with very few cars in the parking lot.
June 5, 2023 Corrupt Intel Makes Sure Targets Don't Get What They Order
Haven't gone out for 3 days, so how do our Corrupt Orchestrators of Gang Stalking (at Camp Pendleton?) harass me? A package I'm ordering by UPS is Delayed. Supplements I ordered from Amazon - were not delivered. They interfere with meals you want to be delivered - from meal delivery services - and with packages you want to be delivered from UPS/Fed Ex/Amazon. When you have an American Stasi/a percentage of our population in every nick and corner of society is part of our American Stasi including some workers in major companies - the Harassment is UNRELENTING and more widespread than anyone can imagine (except those who studied in Stasi in East Germany).
Organized Gang Stalking New Torture Tactic To Neutralize Citizens? by Bonnie L. Calcagno Available at the bookstore at Lulu.com
When my Government Gang Stalking began in 2006, it didn't even have a name. I used the internet to try to figure out what was going on. In 2010 I wrote a book, Organized Gang Stalking New Torture Tactic to Neutralize Citizens? which is available in the Bookstore at Lulu.com. I am not a writer. I was a 3rd grade teacher for 29 years. But back then in 2010, it was my best attempt to describe the problem. It is available today at the Lulu.com Bookstore. The Key to Exposing this is to realize the FBI "controls" Police through the Joint Terrorism Task Force.
Table of Contents of My Book on Gang Stalking
I published my book in 2010, four years after my gang stalking began, mainly from research on the internet. It has 106 pages. Its Table of Contents is:Is America Torturing Her Own Citizens?What Is Organized Gang Stalking?Understanding the Group MindCOINTELPROWhat the Church Committee RecommendedCOINTELPRO TodayFusion CentersMassachusetts Senate Bill No. 931Lies, Lies, and More LiesRecommendations of the ACLUWe Need A CommissionThe Temperament of Law EnforcementHow Government Hides MisconductAmerica’s ShadowDo We Have An American Stasi?
Do I know what the Government Gang Stalkers will do in June? No. But I do know from having read the Report of the Church Committee that when under investigation, Our Constitution-Trashing Intel Agencies "temporarily" change their behavior until the investigation is over.
June 1, 2023 Government Gang Stalkers Use NOISE For Sleep Deprivation
Yesterday there was Continuous Hammering to wake me up. Today there was just one spurt of NOISE to Wake Me Up. NOISE - One of the Many Tactics of UNREMITTING HARASSMENT in the FBI/JTTF Government Gang Stalking Arsenal.

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June 7, 2023 - Didn't Go Out Again Yesterday - So This Morning The Anchoring Patterns Come To Me
June 7, 2023 Didn't go out again yesterday - this is what happens when you get old - 74 and taking care of a brother with no self-care skills - so this morning it looks like the Government Gang Stalking Patterns came to me. The first picture below - a RED truck - is what I saw across the street when I opened my door to check for Amazon packages. What I saw when I looked to my right is in the second picture.
June 7, 2023 And when I looked to my right...
June 7, 2023 - BEEPING harassment going on today, too.
June 8, 2023 Ask Christopher Wray - the Corrupt Leader of Our Corrupt FBI If In His Government Gang Stalking Program run by the JTTF He Gets Neighbors and People in the Neighborhood To Use Anchoring/PSY-OPS Tactics.
June 8, 2023 See any Government Gang Stalking Anchoring Pattern as I went out to get my mail today?
June 9, 2023 BEEPING - Part of the UNREMITTING HARASSMENT of Our American Stasi
June 9, 2023 - BEEPING in front of my house today, a U.S. Government Gang Stalking tactic in their Program of UNREMITTING HARASSMENT.
June 9, 2023 And when we went out that night...
June 9 Here I am getting out of my car to buy a lotto ticket at the gas station I most often come to on my way to Walmart.
June 9, 2023 And at Walmart...
June 9 As I get our things out of the car to go into Walmart, a RED car drives by. I hope you realize this is way below the number of Gang Stalking Patterns I would see when everyone Didn't Know How Corrupt the FBI is.
June 10, 2023 Thanks To Corrupt Intel/Orchestrators of Government Gang Stalking (at Camp Pendleton?) Getting to Drivers etc. - Ordered Something To Eat Twice From Grubhub Today - Somebody Cancelled It Both Times.
June 10, 2023 Later that night
June 10, 2023 - As we walk into the store, a man in RED walks out. With this low volume of Gang Stalking - now that everyone knows who the FBI is - they are trying to show you how "good" they are.
June 13, 2023 (we didn't go out on June 11 or June 12)
As we entered a parking lot to shop, a person in RED walked in front of us.
June 13, 2023
As we left the parking lot after shopping, a RED car is on the corner.
June 14, 2023
- 6/14 1 of 5 As we get out of our car for our appointment, a RED car passes in back of us.
6/14 2 of 5 Here I am helping my brother get out of the car.
6/14 3 of 5 As we ride on Vista Way we see only one person on the street - wearing RED.
6/14 4 of 5 When I come out of Subway, there is a RED car that is in front of me.
6/14 5 of 5 When I go to get onto the main road after exiting the Subway parking lot, a RED car is there.
June 14, 2023 - Some of my food deliveries never arrive and now UPS packages are not coming. Who do you think would know more about that?
June 15, 2023 How MOBBING Works Here On Coral Drive in Oceanside Thanks To Our COINTELPRO-loving FBI/JTTF
6/15/2023 - I go outside to weed And The MOBBING Starts - on my usually empty street - the first MOBBERS pass in front of my house. Then there is the second tactic: Same Time Exit/Entry - with MOBBERS on the street entering or exiting the homes when I go into my front yard.
June 22, 2023 Total Surveillance Compliments of the Bush/Cheney Administration
June 22, 2023 - I get up and go sit down at my desk to watch a you tube lesson to practice my ukulele, my routine, and at that moment the phone rings: it's the Orchestrators of Government Gang Stalking letting me know that my every movement - even inside my own home - is being surveilled.
June 27, 2023 I go outside for weeding - a RED car pulls out of its driveway.
June 29, 2023 1 of 4
June 29, 2023 1 of 4 Here I am at the corner of North Way/Buena Hills right before I leave my development in going out - with an Anchoring Pattern at the corner.
June 29, 2023 2 of 4 Here I am at the Big Gang Stalking corner of Vista Way/El Camino Real as a RED car passes in front of me when I arrive at the corner.
June 29, 2023 3 of 4 Usually when I come into this parking lot it is to go to CVS.
June 29, 2023 4 of 4 As I get into my car after going to the ATM, a man goes to the RED car in front of me - one of the only cars here.
How Stupid Are Our Gang Stalking Intelligence Agencies?
June 27, 2023 - You might be asking yourself - how stupid are our Intelligence Agencies to keep using RED in Government Gang Stalking when everybody knows what they are doing. Actually, throughout the 17 years I have been Gang Stalked they have also used 3 other colors at various times down through the years. Come to Coral Drive and look at what is across from my house and you'll see one of them - they know the FBI is in trouble so they are cautious in their Gang Stalking (using RED across from my house). So why don't I tell you All of What They Do? Well, the reason is - they are trying to Deceive you (discredit me) and I am trying To Expose What They Do. So why would I muddy the water by being manipulated and spreading their attempts at deception? And I know they are Narcissists - so if they think I am getting the better of them by not "biting" at their deceptions - they pretty much revert to RED (they also have a bigger army of RED cars) to show you They Are Still Winning. Now, of course, Everything I say on Twitter or my website has an impact on what they do. So if after June 27, 2023 you don't see me posting pictures of RED cars - you know why.
I would like to emphasize I never say any Individual is a U.S. Government Gang Stalker. I am not a mind reader. I don't know people's intentions. I just talk about or show Patterns that I have seen since 2006 when my U.S. Government Gang Stalking, a Bush/CHENEY COINTELPRO-like Program, began. There needs to be an Investigation into the secret surveillance programs Bush and the Neocons put in place that still continue to this day.