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What Goes On In The Government Gang Stalking Program Started Under Bush/ CHENEY That Continues To This Day.
My Story
A U.S. Government Gang Stalking Target Since 2006
U.S. Government Gang Stalking/MOBBING Patterns for March, 2023
RED Squads Are Back Thanks To Dick Cheney and the Bush Neocons
I go into CVS - Our Police Who Gang Stalk Come Behind Me. I go back to my car - Our Gang Stalking Police are in front of my gray Honda Civic.
Who in Congress will Expose First Responders and Neighborhood Watch Group members using RED vehicles or wearing RED MOB/Gang Stalk Citizens - For At Least 17 Years Now ? Our COINTELPRO-loving FBI calls it - Conspicuous Surveillance.
March 24, 2023 They Get Your Neighbors and People in the Neighborhood to UNREMITTINGLY HARASS.
UNREMITTING HARASSMENT of the Gang Stalkers of Costa Serena: As I play my ukulele from the window beside me comes the phony Siren Sounds of the Gang Stalkers of Costa Serena. Next comes NOISE with Power Equipment.
March 28, 2023 Anchoring Pattern
As I pull out of my garage in going out, I see a RED SUV parked in the driveway of the house attached to mine.
When I leave my development on my way to Albertsons, a First Responder passes me by; I'm Gang Stalked by First Responders.
When I leave Albertsons, our Gang Stalking Police come around the corner.
March 29, 2023 UNREMITTING HARASSMENT OF Our American Stasi
Political Leaders/the Swamp of Both Parties - hide from you that Dick Cheney along with the Neocons of the Bush Era got Police, Firemen, Ambulance Drivers - our First Responders - along with Neighborhood Watch Groups/Citizen Corps to MOB and UNREMITTINGLY HARASS citizens. Due to the Total Corruption of our Government, I have been Gang Stalked by these idiots for 17 years. Today while I play my ukulele from the window beside comes their Siren Sounds which they constantly use in their Program of UNREMITTING HARASSMENT - along with BEEPING, Anchoring, MOBBING, NOISE from Power Equipment, setting off alarms etc.
And When I Go Out - March 29, 2023 Anchoring Pattern
As I pull out of my garage, there is a RED SUV parked in the driveway of the house attached to mine.
When I turn on the Big Gang Stalking corner of Vista Way/College Blvd., our firemen - who Gang Stalk - are there on College Blvd.
When I arrive at Walmart and park in the handicapped parking spot where I usually park (my brother has a handicap), to the left of me stands a RED car with its lights on and - with very few people here - in front of me walks a man wearing RED.
March 30, 2023
As we pull into our parking space to shop at Winco, a person in RED is in front of the store.
As we're walking into the store, a RED car passes in front of us.
As we're getting into our car to go, a RED car passes behind us.
March 23, 2023
As I go down Buena Hills to exit my development, there is only one vehicle on the road - the RED one that passes in front of me.
Here I am about to exit Buena Hills in going out.
When I pull into the gas station where I regularly get my lotto tickets when in this part of town, a RED car is pulling in, too.
As I arrive at the entrance to the Winco parking lot, a RED vehicle passes in front of me.
March 22, 2023
UNREMITTING HARASSMENT of Dick Cheney and the Bush Neocons' American Stasi which continues to this day: I go into my yard to do some weeding and the CONTINUOUS SIREN SOUNDS start. But don't expect Any of our Political Leaders to Expose that both Police and Firemen are Gang Stalking/UNREMITTINGLY HARASSING (along with the REDS, our Neighborhood Watch Groups who drive RED vehicles and wear RED in what the FBI calls Conspicuous Surveillance).
And when we go out - March 22, 2023
As I go to exit my garage in going out, behind me is a man with RED striped pants.
As I ride down Buena Hills to exit my development in going out - there are only two vehicles on the road - one is the RED truck that passes me by.
Unfortunately, I didn't get the picture of the two people in RED walking out of Walmart, as we walked in. But I did get the picture of the RED car that passed behind us as we got back to our car to go.
March 21, 2023
1. UNREMITTING HARASSMENT Pattern: I sit down in my dining room to eat - BEEPING from across the street. They get neighbors and people in the neighborhood to UNREMITTINGLY HARASS.
2. I try to post what they do on my website - it takes me more than 10 attempts to access my website - They obstruct Free Speech by doing what they can - error messages - blank pages etc. - to keep me from posting what they do.
3. Someone keeps asking me to sell my house to them. They want me to sell my house because I am exposing how they get neighbors and people in the neighborhood to participate in Government Gang Stalking, of course, if you do, everything starts all over again with new neighbors/people in the neighborhood participating in Government Gang Stalking. In May it will be 17 years that I have been a Government Gang Stalking and subjected to the MOBBING, UNREMITTING HARASSMENT, Anchoring, NOISE. It is a disgrace that Police, Firemen participate in this along with Neighborhood Watch Groups - with their RED cars/wearing RED in what the FBI calls Conspicuous Surveillance.
4. 10:35 pm - UNREMITTING HARASSMENT by The Government Gang Stalkers of Costa Serena - I take my garbage cans out - Their Phony Siren Sounds "Play".
March 20, 2023
As I go to turn onto Buena Hills to leave my development in going out, there is only one car across from me - RED.
As I pull into a parking space to shop at Albertsons, a RED car passes behind me.
As we walk into Albertsons - a RED truck comes here.
March 19, 2023
As I go to get onto Buena Hills to exit my development in going out, across from me there is one car - RED.
Here I am at the Rocket gas station where I usually buy my lotto tickets. What a coincidence Firemen are here and I'm Gang Stalked by Firemen!
On this rainy night with a pretty empty parking lot, as I get out of my car to shop, a person in RED walks out of the store.
March 17, 2023
Neighbors and People in the Neighborhood Join in the UNREMITTING HARASSMENT of the American Stasi Created by Globalists Dick Cheney & the Neocons under Bush Which Continues To This Day: I take my brother into the backyard for a walk - as I step through the sliding door into the backyard - BEEPING and then the Siren Sounds start - part of the UNREMITTING HARASSMENT Program of Dick Cheney's American Stasi (a percentage of our population who now Gang Stalks including First Responders). They get Neighbors and people in the Neighborhood to join in to Socially Isolate their Targets.
Police/Firemen/EMS Are Part of Our American Stasi/Dick Cheney & Neocons' Government Gang Stalkers
March 15, 2023
As we go to exit our development in going out - our Gang Stalking Police are here.
As we go to enter the Walmart parking lot, so does a person in RED.
As we get out of our car to go into Walmart, a RED car passes behind us.
As we head home - here at the Big Gang Stalking corner of College Blvd./Vista Way - is our Firemen who Gang Stalk.
March 18, 2023
UNREMITTING HARASSMENT of Dick Cheney & the Neocons' Government Gang Stalkers: I take my brother into our backyard for a walk - MULTIPLE BEEPS used for Harassment by Neighbors/People in the Neighborhood. My brother sits on the ground and starts Banging his Head.
Should we stay in the house and not go out, because part of U.S. Government Gang Stalking is to get Neighbors and People in the Neighborhood to UNREMITTINGLY HARASS with BEEPING, Siren Sounds, Anchoring MOBBING, NOISE with Power Equipment? In May I will have been Gang Stalked FOR 17 YEARS.
March 11, 2023
UNREMITTING HARASSMENT of Dick Cheney and the Bush Neocons' American Stasi which continues to this day (Gang Stalking First Responders and the REDS/Neighborhood Watch Group members in RED vehicles or who wear RED): I take my brother into our backyard for a walk and the Siren Sounds used as an UNREMITTING HARASSMENT technique by our American , start.
March 13, 2023 - UNREMITTING HARASSMENT of the Gang Stalkers of Costa Serena: I open my back door to put some garbage into my garbage cans and there is a BEEP. BEEPING, Siren Sounds, Anchoring, Power Equipment Noise, and MOBBING are all used in this Program of UNREMITTING HARASSMENT by the U.S. Government Gang Stalkers.
March 14, 2023 - UNREMITTING HARASSMENT of the Cheney/Neocon American Stasi which continues to this day - When I go out into my backyard to do some weeding - Siren Sounds. When I go to post this on my computer - updates are underway.
March 14, 2023 - Same Time Exit/Entry Gaslighting Pattern - I go into my garage at 7:17 PM - the garage door in the twin home attached to mine goes up or down.
March 10, 2023
As we are about to exit the 7/11 parking lot after buying a lotto ticket, a RED car passes in front of us.
As we arrive at Target, a person in RED walks in front of us.
As we get out of our car to go into Target, a RED vehicle passes beside us.
March 6, 2023
I pull into a parking space at Winco. Next a truck with a red cab pulls in next to me. While I'm there, it stands with its lights on. No one gets out of it.
Government Gang Stalking Pattern: When I get out of my car and unload my brother's wheelchair - Siren Sounds From Our Gang Stalking First Responders.

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As we start to walk toward the store, a person wearing RED walks in front of us.
March 7, 2023 The UNREMITTING HARASSMENT of Our Snakes-in-the-Grass COINTELPRO-loving Intel Agencies
I go outside to throw garbage in my garbage can and a very short, soft Siren Sound is heard. When you deal with Government Gang Stalking, you deal with Gaslighting Snakes-in-the-Grass. Welcome to the New World Order of Bush/CHENEY/Democrats - Globalists All - Money Grubbing We Love Making Money in China Forget the Bill of Rights/Borders/the Rule of Law, Cancel Culture, Gang Stalking, Totalitarian Globalists. Oh, and did I tell you instead of government by, for, of the people - Globalists are substituting by, for, of Globalist Corporations and Elites. Just try to criticize Big Pharma!
March 8, 2023 1:59 AM
MOBBING Pattern of the Gang Stalkers of Costa Serena (they get neighbors and people in the neighborhood to Gang Stalk): I go out at 1:59 AM to throw garbage in my garbage cans in front of my house - and a person walks in front of me.
March 8, 2023 When We Go Out That Night
Government Gang Stalking/MOBBING patterns, as Republicans in the House prepare to Investigate our COINTELPRO-loving FBI, has shifted to INSIDE stores where I don't take picture. Tonight There Were No RED cars on the road or in the Vons parking lot and no people wearing RED outside of the store, either, when I was there.
March 4, 2023 Government Gang Stalkers Use NOISE from Power Equipment As A Tactic of Harassment - They did it today.

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Noise - Is A Torture Technique Used By Our Government
Other Torture Tactics - Used Before - Now Used on Government Gang Stalking Tactics
1. They Use Social Isolation - Getting Neighbors and People in the Neighborhood to Gang Stalk to Socially Isolate the Target. They use NOISE/Construction Noises around the Target's house. They get neighbors to MOB the Target when she goes to pick up a package from her front door, when she enters of leaves her home. They get neighbors to use Gaslighting Techniques, to use Anchoring to make the target look crazy if she tries to explain what goes on in Government Gang Stalking.
2. They use NOISE in early morning hours for Sleep Deprivation.
3. In the Target's Neighborhood, they use Siren Sounds, BEEPING, if the target tries to go into her backyard and throughout the day.
March 3, 2023
As we walk toward the store to shop, a RED truck stands with its lights on.
While standing in front of the store is a man with a RED blanket over his shoulders.
As we arrive back at our car after shopping, a RED car passes beside us.
March 2, 2023
As I go down Buena Hills in leaving my development to go out, a RED car is coming up.
As I arrive at Albertsons, in the row where we always park, a RED car stands with its lights on.
As we get out of our car to go into Albertsons, a man with a RED backpack passes by.
March 13, 2023
I always park here in the handicapped space on the corner when I shop at this store.
When I get out of my car to go into the store, the RED car passes by me.
As I get my brother out of our car, a clerk inside the store passes by the glass door with a RED shirt hanging out of her sweater. When we go into the store I go straight to the lotto machine - buy tickets almost every night. As there has been multiple times before, there is a sign on the lotto machine - it is out of order. This time I put my money in anyway, get a scratcher and other lotto tickets with no problem (despite the out of order sign on the machine).
After shopping, as we go to exit the store, a lady with a RED top walks in. I don't take pictures of what goes on inside the store.
March 4, 2023 Of Course, The Bully/Cowards Act Like Cowards.
Now that the FBI knows the Republicans in the House are going to investigate them, on days like today, they switch to Gang Stalking/MOBBING Inside Stores where they know I don't take pictures.
The Investigation by Republicans of the FBI also explains why shows so much Police Gang Stalking, while created in January when Republicans took the House of Representatives – doesn’t.
March 5, 2023 Bully/Cowards Too Afraid To MOB With RED cars - Increase BEEPING Harassment Around My Home
Looks like too many powerful people know about our Corrupt COINTELPRO-loving Intel Agencies MOBBING with RED cars/trucks/wearing RED, so these Cowards have to Increase their BEEPING Harassment Around My Home and Mess with my computer and make it harder to access my website.
March 6, 2023 - 2:40 AM The Harm Government Gang Stalkers Do
At about 2:40 AM from outside my brother's (who has a profound mental handicap) room comes what sounds like a train whistle (we don't live near railroad tracks) or the loud sound of an organ key. This loud sound is concerning because if my brother is woken up from sleep he will bang his head. But this is the kind of thing Government Gang Stalkers do.
Wondering How Our Corrupt Intel Agencies mess up my computer
Wondering how our Corrupt Intel Agencies keep messing up my computer, for instance, I have to strike the letter "c" several times before it works. I use you tube videos in practicing my ukulele. Recently, it became hard to hear the videos on you tube after a Microsoft update. Do our Corrupt Intel Agencies masquerade as Microsoft updates to make me download software that is so low I can't watch you tube videos - without buying speakers for my computer and bypassing the defective downloaded software? The list of corruptions to my computer is ongoing.
March 9, 2023 Same Time Exit/Entry Gang Stalking/MOBBING Pattern
In 2006 when my Government Gang Stalking first started in Newburgh, New York - I would go out or come into my house and a RED car or person in RED would pass by or go into or out of their house. Eventually, they dropped the RED and would just do the Same Time Exit/Entry MOBBING when I entered or exited my house. Below, I come out of my house to get my garbage cans at about 6:48 pm - a neighbor comes out/goes into his house. In Government Gang Stalking our COINTELPRO-loving Intel Agencies get neighbors and people in the Neighborhood to participate in this MOBBING program to Socially Isolate their targets.
March 26, 2023
Same Time Exit/Entry U.S. Government Gang Stalking Pattern: As I'm pulling out of my garage in going out, some people in the Twin House attached to mine are coming in. I notice because Same Time Exit/Entry is a U.S. Government Gang Stalking MOBBING Pattern.
As I'm getting out of my car to go into Walmart, a RED car pulls out in front of me.
I would like to emphasize I never say any Individual is a U.S. Government Gang Stalker. I am not a mind reader. I don't know people's intentions. I just talk about or show Patterns that I have seen since 2006 when my U.S. Government Gang Stalking, a Bush/CHENEY COINTELPRO-like Program, began. There needs to be an Investigation into the secret surveillance programs Bush and the Neocons put in place that still continue to this day.