My StoryA U.S. Government Gang Stalking Target Since 2006
Government Gang Stalking Explained
Anchoring - The Core of Gang Stalking
U.S. Government Gang Stalking Patterns for Jan. 2023
What Our Snake-in-the-Grass Intel Agencies Do When They Know They Are Under Investigation
From the Church Committee Report: "Events surrounding the 1965 and 1966 investigation by Senator Edward Long of Missouri into federal agencies' use of mail covers and other investigative techniques clearly showed the desire on the part of the CIA and FBI officials to protect their program from congressional review. Fearing that the New York mail opening program might be discovered by this subcommittee, the CIA considered suspending the operation UNTIL THE INVESTIGATION HAS BEEN COMPLETED. Mr. Karamessines (Assistant Deputy Director for Plans) felt that the dangers inherent in Long's subcommittee activities to the security of the Project's operations in New York should be thoroughly studied in order that a determination can be made as to whether these operations should be partially or fully suspended UNTIL THE SUBCOMITTEE'S INVESTIGATIONS ARE COMPLETED."
When our Corrupt Intelligence Agencies are being exposed - they curtail or partially modify their Government Gang Stalking/MOBBING - but THEY NEVER END IT.
January 31, 2023 A Little Before and A Little After Midnight
As we arrive at Winco in our car, a person wearing RED passes in front of us.
Notice anything as we're walking into Winco?
As we're stopped at the Big Gang Stalking corner of El Camino Real/Vista Way on our way home - our Firemen EMS - who Gang Stalk - pass by us.
And at 7:30 that night...
The UNREMITTING HARASSMENT of Our American Stasi (First Responders and Neighborhood Watch Groups): I go into my backyard to throw some garbage into my garbage pails and the Siren Sounds used as an Anchor in Government Gang Stalking start.
I go into my backyard and there is the Repetitive BEEPING used by the Gang Stalkers of Costa Serena. In Government Gang Stalking they get your neighbors and people in the neighborhood to UNREMITTINGLY HARASS you with BEEPING, Construction NOISES, Anchoring, and MOBBING.
January 26,2023
When I go to get my lotto ticket at the 76/Rocket gas station, I park in the one handicapped space there close to the store. Tonight, there is a RED motorcycle in the back of it.
As I enter the parking lot where I'll shop, a person with a RED shirt is walking toward us.
As I go to get my brother out of the car, a person with a RED jacket walks behind it.
As we're walking into the store, a RED car passes by.
January 25, 2023
As I go to exit my development, a RED car is here.
As I get my brother's wheelchair out of the car for us to go into Albertsons, a RED SUV passes behind us.
As we're walking into Albertsons, a RED car passes in front of us.
As I post these pictures to my website from the window beside me comes the phony Siren Sounds of the Government Gang Stalkers used as an Anchor in their Program of UNREMITTING HARASSMENT (I live on the top of a hill away from the main road).
The UNREMITTING HARASSMENT of Government Gang Stalkers - 1/25/2023
The UNREMITTING HARASSMENT of Our American Stasi/First Responders/Neighborhood Watch Groups: It’s 2:48 AM. I’m still working in my kitchen. To make the work go quicker I turn on a movie. The movie is interrupted when I lose the signal. This is one of the Harassment Techniques of the Orchestrators (at Camp Pendleton?) of Government Gang Stalking. Just to let me know it’s them – there is a Siren Sound outside the kitchen window. As I try to post this on my website – I can’t print the words. I have to copy and paste them. They also interfere with my posting on my website (why I had to start a second website and now they are disrupting it, too).
1/25/2023 And at 5:58 pm: I go outside to throw garbage in my garbage pails and the U.S. Government Gang Stalkers “play” their Siren Sounds as part of their program of UNREMITTING HARASSMENT.
UNREMITTING HARASSMENT Even When You Go Into Your Backyard - 1/24/2023
I went into my backyard to fix a toy for my brother. I was Gang Stalked by neighbors and there was an almost constant stream of Siren Sounds.
January 24, 2023
Where we are, so are our Gang Stalking Firemen.
Notice the color of the first car we see as we enter this parking lot – where we frequently come.
Here I’ve just exited my car to shop.
As we leave the store after shopping, so does a person wearing RED.
January 22, 2023
When I get out of my car to go shop, a person with RED shorts is walking by.
When we come out of the store and get into our car to go, a person with a RED jacket walks behind our car.
When we go to exit the store parking lot, a person with RED pants walks in front of our car.
January 20, 2023
As I get out of my car to go into Albertsons, a RED car backs out of its parking space behind me.
As I take my brother's wheelchair out of our car, a RED car passes behind me.
Here we are exiting Albertsons after we shopped.
As we get into our car, a person in a RED truck in front of us is getting out.
January 18, 2023
When I get out of my car, a person is walking in front of us with RED on.
As we start walking toward the store, a RED car passes in front of us.
Right before we walk into the store, a person with a RED hat walks in front of us.
January 16, 2023
Looks like our COINTELPRO-loving Intel Agencies get afraid when you start telling members of the Judiciary Committee about Government Gang Stalking. Tonight only one Same Time Exit/Entry Gang Stalking Pattern - as we get out of our car to shop - a RED car passes by. While inside the store - a person in RED came up to me while shopping.
January 14, 2023
As I walk out of 7/11 where I bought my lotto ticket, a RED car is there in front of me.
This is where I park when I go to Target, at the handicapped space (my brother has a handicap) closest to the door.
As we start going into Target, a man wearing RED walks out.
As we are leaving Target, a RED car is here.
January 13, 2023
As we get out of our car to go into Albertsons, a person in RED passes behind us.
As we are getting into our car after coming out of Albertsons, a person in RED passes behind us.
When we go into our development in coming home, a RED SUV passes in front of us.
January 11, 2023
As we leave our street and go onto Buena Hills in going out - one person is here - with a RED hat.
As we're walking into CVS, a RED car passes in front of us.
As we are about to turn left into Walmart - only two people are walking on the street - one in RED.
As we are about to turn left into the entrance of Walmart, a RED truck is there.
When we turn into Walmart, the first person we see is wearing RED.
January 10, 2023
As I go to exit my development in going out, a RED car is there.
As I pull up to the gas pump to get gas and a lotto ticket, a RED car passes in front of me.
As I get into my car to go, I see there is a person in RED in the van beside me.
January 9, 2023
As I go to exit my development in going out in my car, a person in RED walks in front of it.
Here I am going to the Extra Mile to get my lotto tickets.
As I go to exit the Extra Mile after getting my lotto tickets, our Gang Stalking Police are here.
As we get out of our car to go into Albertsons, a RED SUV passes by.
As we arrive back at our car after shopping, a RED car passes by.
As we are getting into our car to go, a man wearing RED walks in front of it.
January 8, 2023
As I go to exit my street in going out - one person is on it - wearing RED.
As I go into the food mart to get a lotto ticket, a RED vehicle pulls up.
As I come out of the food mart after buying my lotto ticket, a person with a big RED bag passes in front of me.
January 7, 2023
What it looked like when I opened my front door this morning.
January 5, 2023
As I get up in the morning and sit at my desk in the dining room to read my morning inspirational readings from the window beside me comes the Siren Sounds of the Costa Serena branch of our American Stasi used as an Anchor. What our Intelligence Agencies/Government Gang Stalkers/First Responders and Neighborhood Watch Groups are doing is Criminal. It goes against our Constitutional rights. Globalism has given us Corporations who have made a God of Money. We need a Spiritual Renewal in America. We need Republicans in the House who will investigate our COINTELPRO-loving FBI/our Corrupted Intelligence Agencies and Reform them .
As I go to exit my street in going out - a person with RED pants is there. - 1/5/2023
As I go to exit my development - our Firemen - who Gang Stalk - are there. 1/5/2023
As I go to pull into a parking space at Penneys, a person with RED plaid clothing walks there. 1/5/2023
As we are about to enter Penneys, a RED car is there. 1/5/2023
January 4, 2023
As we arrive at Albertsons, there is one person here - a man with a RED hat who walks in front of our car.
As I go to get my brother out of the car to go into Albertsons, a man with a RED jacket walks in front of it.
As we arrive back at our car after coming out of Albertsons, a RED truck passes behind us.
January 3, 2023
It might be pouring outside, but outside my house is NOISE, a U.S. Government Gang Stalking tactic. And our Corrupt Intel Agencies don't want you to know about their UNREMITTING HARASSMENT which includes NOISE from power equipment - because it took me about 20 minutes to get past their blocks to post this. Our Intel Agencies regularly interfere with First Amendment rights/Freedom of Speech.

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Siren Sounds Used As An Anchor
UNREMITTING HARASSMENT of Our American Stasi - I get up in the morning and sit at my computer in the dining room and from the window beside comes the Siren Sounds used as an Anchor of the Costa Serena branch of our American Stasi/U.S. Government Gang Stalkers. 1/3
January 2, 2023
Where I am so are our Gang Stalking Firemen.
As I exit my car to go into Stater Brothers, a RED car passes by.
January 1, 2023
The Government Gang Stalking Pattern when I turn right to go to Walmart is RED car first at the intersection.
As I go into the Walmart parking lot, a man with RED pants walks in front of my car.
As we walk out of Walmart, a RED car passes in front of us.
As I back out of my parking space to leave Walmart, a RED SUV is entering a space in front of me.
Government Gang Stalking Patterns in 2022
This is what we know about the Surveillance State America has become - .
While U.S. Government Gang Stalking is part of the secret COINTELPRO-like Surveillance and UNREMITTING HARASSMENT - Kept Hidden From The American Public.
June 23, 2023
June 23, 2023 - THE UNREMITTING HARASSMENT of Our American Stasi: When they are not messing with my computer or making sure I don't get the food I ordered, they are messing with the TV I watch.
I would like to emphasize I never say any Individual is a U.S. Government Gang Stalker. I am not a mind reader. I don't know people's intentions. I just talk about or show Patterns that I have seen since 2006 when my U.S. Government Gang Stalking, a Bush/CHENEY COINTELPRO-like Program, began. There needs to be an Investigation into the secret surveillance programs Bush and the Neocons put in place that still continue to this day.