The Expose Government Gang Stalking Website - October Pictures Follow The Introduction
There is Only One Defense Against the New World Order Globalists of the Democrats and Neocons Who Want Rule By Elites 1. Who Indict Their Political Opponents 2. Who Gang Stalk Citizens 3. Who Cancel Us Who Use the Tactics of Hybrid Warfare Against Us: 1. propaganda 2. surveillance 3.disinformation 4. gaslighting/psyops 5. eradication of the concept of the individual 6. control by Elites 7. lawfare 8. economic devastation 9. cancellation 10. control of the language 11. demonization 12. projection. And That One Thing is God - However, the Various Religions Define It. Only A Revival of Spirituality Can Defeat The New World Order Globalists Whose Only God is Money. We Need To Change Our Political System. We Need New Leaders Who Are Guided By Spiritual Values. I see one Presidential Candidate who stands out - Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who can be the New Role Model Our Youth Need.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - "I will tell you the truth."
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U.S. Government Gang Stalking/MOBBING Patterns For October 2023
Oct. 31, 2023 - 7 pictures
Oct. 31, 2023 - 1 of 7 pictures - As I get out of my car to go to the ATM, a RED car passes in front of me.
Oct. 31, 2023 - 2 of 7 pictures - After I leave the ATM, someone with a RED jacket runs in front of my car.
Oct. 31, 2023 - 3 of 7 pictures - Here I am exiting the gas station where I just bought gas and lotto tickets.
Oct. 31, 2023 - 4 of 7 pictures - As I pull into the parking space at Winco a RED SUV is passing by in front of me.
Oct. 31, 2023 - 5 of 7 pictures - As I get out of my car at Winco, a RED car passes by.
Oct. 31, 2023 - 6 of 7 pictures - As we walk into Winco, a man wearing RED comes in front of us.
Oct. 31, 2023 - 7 of 7 pictures - When we come back to our car after coming out of Winco, a RED car is there with its lights on.
Ongoing UNREMITTING Harassment Oct. 31, 2023 - Our Gang Stalking Intel Agencies obstruct my posting to my website by "pausing" after each letter I strike, making the process of "writing" to my website very slow and cumbersome.
In the earliest hours of Oct. 21, 2023 - 4 pictures
Oct. 21, 2023 - 1 of 4 pictures - Here I am at the Big Gang Stalking corner of Rancho Del Oro/Vista Way, the first intersection after I leave my development.
Oct. 21, 2023 - 2 of 4 pictures - See any Anchoring as I go to park in the Winco parking lot?
Oct. 21, 2023 - 3 of 4 pictures - As I go to exit my car, a person with RED in his hat walks in front of it.
Oct. 21, 2023 - 4 of 4 pictures - As I'm leaving the Winco parking lot, our Gang Stalking Police are here.
Raise Your Hand If You Think It Is Okay For Police To Gang Stalk Citizens For 17 Years in America. 5:50 AM - Oct. 21, 2023 As I work at my computer at 5:50 AM, there is UNREMITTING HARASSMENT, constant BEEPING, from across the street.
Oct. 23, 2023 - 5 pictures We didn't go out Oct. 22
Oct. 23, 2023 - 1 of 5 pictures - See Any Anchoring as we park to shop?
Oct. 23, 2023 - 2 of 5 pictures - As we return to our car after coming out of the store, a RED SUV is there with its lights on.
Oct. 23, 2023 - 3 of 5 pictures - As I put our bags in our car, a RED car passes by.
Oct. 23, 2023 - 4 of 5 pictures - As we wait for the light to turn right on Vista Way which takes us to our development, our Gang Stalking Police turn in front of us and ride in front of us on Vista Way.
Oct. 23, 2023 - 5 of 5 - two views - As I enter my development in coming home and go up Buena Hills, one car is coming down - RED.
Oct. 24, 2023 - The UNREMITTING Harassment of Bush/CHENEY'S American Stasi (First Reponders & Neighborhood Watch Groups members)
Oct. 24, 2023 - I take my profoundly mentally handicapped brother for a walk in our backyard and immediately the "low" (they are snakes-in-the-grass who try to hide what they do) Siren Sounds the Government Gang Stalkers use in their program of UNREMITTING Harassment begin. Then I take him in the house to do what he does every afternoon - watch Mickey Mouse cartoons on you tube - and I see that our snake-in-the-grass Government Gang Stalkers deleted the You Tube application from my TV.
Oct. 24, 2024 As I post the above to my website, my brother's TV goes off. They do that repeatedly, too. Since he's profoundly mentally handicapped, he can't turn it on.
Oct. 24, 2023 - 11 pm - Didn't go out into the community today, but when I went out to put garbage in my garbage cans in the front of the house - a neighbor's car across the street - BEEPED.
Oct. 25, 2023 - Since its very beginning the FBI COINTELPRO programs got people around their innocent targets to make trouble for the targets. Today in Government Gang Stalking - the FBI & JTTF get neighbors and people in the neighborhood to participate in the MOBBING and UNREMITTING harassment: I get up and sit at my desk in the dining room and from across the street comes the BEEPING TO HARASS of Neighbor Government Gang Stalkers.
Oct. 25, 2023 - 4 pictures
Oct. 25, 2023 - 1 of 4 pictures - As we are walking out of Albertsons, a RED truck is pulling in.
Oct. 25, 2023 - 2 of 4 pictures - As we exit the row we parked in at Albertsons, a RED truck stands with its lights on.
Oct. 25, 2023 - 3 of 4 pictures - Here I am pulling into a parking space at Walmart, as a RED SUV passes in front of me.
Oct. 25, 2023 - 4 of 4 pictures - Here we've just returned to our car after coming out of Walmart, as a RED car passes in back of us.
Oct. 28, 2023 - 3 pictures
Oct. 28, 2023 - 1 of 3 pictures - As I go to leave my development in going out, a RED car is in front of me.
Oct. 28, 2023 - 2 of 3 pictures - Here I've just come out of the Food Mart at the Gas Station where I often buy lotto tickets on College Blvd.
Oct. 28, 2023 - 3 of 3 pictures - As we're walking into Albertsons to shop, a RED truck passes behind us.
Oct. 29, 2023 - UNREMITTING Harassment of OurAmerican Stasis
Oct. 29, 2023 - I take my brother into our backyard to take a walk and the Siren Sounds of Our American Stasi start - they use Siren Sounds as "Anchors". Then I take him back in and You Tube (my brother watches cartoons on You Tube) is again erased from the menu of the TV. Takes me a half hour to get it back.
Oct. 30, 2023 - 5 pictures We didn't go out on Oct. 29
Oct. 30, 2023 - 1 of 5 pictures - I back out of my garage and start taking a garbage can out before I go. When a man across the street gets out of a truck at the same time - I notice because Same Time Exit/Enty is the primary MOBBING pattern in Government Gang Stalking.
Oct. 30, 2023 - 2 of 5 pictures - When I take my second garbage can out, the man across the street goes back into his truck and leaves.
Oct. 30, 2023 - 3 of 5 pictures - As I'm pulling into the gas stations where I regularly buy my lotto tickets a man with a RED jacket is walking out.
Oct. 30, 2023 - 4 of 5 pictures - Here I am coming out of my car to go buy my lotto ticket.
Oct. 30, 2023 - 5 of 5 pictures - As I pull into a parking space to go into Home Depot, a man with RED shorts walks in front of my car.
Oct. 30, 2023 The UNREMITTING Harassment of our Corrupt COINTELPRO-loving Intelligence Agencies - For the past two days when I post to my website, there is a delay in each stroke/letter I type. Messing up your computer is an ongoing part of Government Gang Stalking.
Oct. 31, 2023 - UNREMITTING Harassment of the Neighborhood Government Gang Stalkers: I take my brother for a walk in our backyard and a BEEP comes from behind my house. As I write this, because the Government Gang Stalkers mess with my computer, there is a "delay" after I strike each letter before it appears.
Oct. 6, 2023
Oct. 6, 2023 - Here I am opening my front door to retrieve an Amazon package.
Oct. 13, 2023 The UNREMITTING Harassment of Our American Stasi has begun. They use the NOISE of Power Equipment in front of my house. Time To Expose The MOBBING and UNREMITTING Harassment by the Bush/CHENEY American Stasi (First Responders and Neighborhood Watch Groups/Citizen Corps) which has been going on for 17 years.
Oct. 14, 2023 We didn't go out today, so of course, the Orchestrators of Government Gang Stalking, probably at Camp Pendleton, have to execute their UNREMITTING harassment in my home - first by stopping the Christmas cartoons my brother was watching. Then by giving me "error messages" when I tried to watch a movie in my kitchen. It's what they do.
Oct. 6, 2023 - At night - 3 pictures - 1 Gaslighting Pattern when I returned home.
Oct. 6, 2023 - 1 of 3 pictures - As I arrive at the front of Target, a man in RED is there.
Oct. 6, 2023 - 2 of 3 pictures - As I get out of my car to go into Target - a RED car passes behind me.
Oct. 6, 2023 - 3 of 3 pictures - As I start taking our things out of the trunk (hatchback) we take into the store - a second RED car passes behind me.
Oct. 6, 2023 - Returning Home - One of the Biggest Gang Stalking Patterns used in this PSY-OPS program is Same Time Exit/Entry - Tonight: Gaslighting Pattern - I come home around 10:00 pm and as I take things out of my car - the garage door of the garage attached to my twin house - goes either up or down (my garage door was closed).
Didn't go out Oct. 7, 2023
Oct. 8, 2023 - Today's Power Equipment NOISE Day in my Neighborhood
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Evening of Oct. 8, 2023 - 2 pictures
Oct. 8, 2023 - 1 of 2 pictures - As we're walking into a store to pick up a couple of things - a RED SUV passes behind us.
Oct. 8, 2023 - 2 of 2 pictures - When we arrive back at our car after shopping. A RED car passes behind us.
Oct. 9, 2023 The UNREMITTING HARASSMENT of Our American Stasi - Today the harassment of choice of the Gang Stalkers on my street - is BEEPING. Tight squeeze to get my garbage can out today and not put it in front of my neighbor's property. You might wonder why I don't put my garbage cans on the curb instead of in the road. When you are UNREMITTINGLY Harassed by Government Gang Stalkers (First Responders & Neighborhood Watch Group members/Citizen Corps.), they can always be blocked by a car parking in front of them. Gang Stalkers try everything to UNREMITTINGLY Harass.
We didn't go out Oct. 9
Oct. 10, 2023 - 4 pictures
Oct. 10, 2023 - 1 of 4 pictures - As I get out of my car, first a man with a RED hat passes in front of me. Next a RED car passes beside me.
Oct. 10, 2023 - 4 of 4 pictures
Oct. 10 - 4 of 4 - Then as I'm getting my brother's things out of our hatchback to go into the store, a RED SUV passes by.
Oct. 11, 2023 UNREMITTING HARASSMENT of Bush/Cheney's American Stasi: Today the harassment of choice of the Government Gang Stalkers - is setting off car alarms. (Didn't go out today.)
Octorber 12, 2023 UNREMITTING Harassment by Our American Stasi (today, probably, the Orchestrators of Gang Stalking at Camp Pendleton) - All during the time I was trying to learn something on youtube - on multiple different videos - Every Few Seconds The Videos Would PAUSE And I'd Have To Restart Them.
Oct. 12, 2023 - 3 pictures
Oct. 12, 2023 - 1 of 3 pictures - As I arrive at the 76 gas station where I usually buy lotto tickets on the way to Walmart, one person is at the pumps - wearing RED sneakers.
Oct. 12, 2023 - 2 of 3 pictures - As we are entering Walmart, a person in RED is exiting.
Oct. 12, 2023 - 3 of 3 pictures - As we arrive back at our car after shopping at Walmart, a RED SUV is passing in front of it.
Oct. 13, 2023 - 1 picture - right after I get up
Oct. 13, 2023 - 1 of 1 picture right after I get up - When I get up, the first thing I do is check for packages. I order a lot from Amazon and other online stores.
Oct. 14, 2023 UNREMITTING Harassment of Our American Stasi (First Responders & Neighborhood Watch Groups/Citizen Corps - radicalized in the Bush/CHENEY Administration) - I take my brother for a walk in our backyard and the Siren Sounds used as an Anchor of the Government Gang Stalkers immediately start up.
October 14, 2023 - 3 pictures
Oct. 14, 2023 - 1 of 3 pictures - Someone walks in front of my car in the middle of the road.
Oct. 14, 2023 - 2 of 3 pictures - As we walk into the store to shop, a RED car passes behind us.
Oct. 14, 2023 - 3 of 3 pictures - As I put things into our car to go home, a RED car passes behind us.
Oct. 15, 2023 Unremitting Harassment of Our American Stasi (First Responders & Neighborhood Watch Group members - Started in Bush/Cheney) - We didn't go out today - so they paused my brother's cartoons, paused my you tube videos, and did their BEEPING harassment.
Oct. 20, 2023 UNREMITTING HARASSMENT of Bush/CHENEY'S American Stasi: Another day of BEEPING and Siren Sound Harassment by Our American Stasi (First Responders & Neighborhood Watch Groups/Citizen Corps).
Oct. 28, 2023 Didn't go out Oct. 26 or Oct. 27 Setting People Up/Our Corrupt Intel Agencies Middle Name: Today for the first time our Corrupt Intel Agencies added something to my you tube search, I didn't add. But we know the FBI, in particular, is famous for setting people up.
Oct. 1, 2023 - 3 pictures
Oct. 1, 2023 - 1 of 3 pictures - As I get out of my car, a man with a RED stripe on his shorts walks behind my car.
Oct. 1, 2023 - 2 of 3 pictures - As I went to take my brother's wheelchair out of the back of the car, a RED truck passes by.
Oct. 1, 2023 - 3 of 3 pictures - As I go to take my brother out of the car, a man wearing RED walks by.
Oct. 4, 2023 Same Time Exit/Entry Gang Stalking Pattern: I come home between 10:30 and 11:00 pm and go into my garage. The garage door opens of the twin house attached to mine.
Oct. 4, 2023 - 3 pictures
Oct. 4, 2023 - 1 of 3 pictures - Here I am getting gas.
Oct. 4, 2023 - 2 of 3 pictures - Here I am turning right to go into Walmart. The Government Gang Stalking Pattern here is RED car first in line at the intersection.
Oct. 4, 2023 - 3 of 3 pictures - As we go into Walmart, a person in RED walks out.
Oct. 5, 2023 - When I go out to retrieve an Amazon package, a person with RED comes out of the house across the street. I notice because one of the times I am MOBBED is when I open my door to retrieve packages.
Oct. 2, 2023 UNREMITTING Harassment of Bush Neocon American Stasi - First Responders & Neighborhood Watch Group members/Citizen Corps (protected by our States Secret Doctrine). So far today: 1. interference with my TV 2. BEEPING for harassment 3. Siren Sounds for harassment 4. interference with my computer
Didn't Go Out Oct. 2 or Oct. 3
Oct. 4, 2023 - The UNREMITTING Harassment of Bush/CHENEY'S American Stasi I go out to get exercise on my bike in the backyard and the Siren Sounds used as an Anchor by the Government Gang Stalkers (First Responders & Neighborhood Watch Group members/Citizen Corps) immediately start.
Oct. 4, 2023 Around 4:30 PM Gaslighting I go out into the backyard to work on my brother's bike and "very low" Siren Sounds begin.
Oct. 18, 2023 and we haven't gone out the last couple of day, so the Government Gang Stalkers are using Siren Sounds to Harass.
Can we trust our Intelligence Agencies?
Who Our Intelligence Agencies Serve
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I never say anyone in any of my pictures is a U.S. Government Gang Stalker. I am not a mind reader. I don't know people's intentions. I just show the patterns I have been seeing almost every day since May 2006 when my Government Gang Stalking began in Newburgh, N.Y. I now live in Oceanside, CA.